He was born...
He was born in 1847 in Milan, Ohio -
Grain trouble
He fell into a grain elevator and nearly drowed because he wanted to see how elevator worked -
Duck eggs
His father found him squatting on some duck eggs in a cold barn to see if he could hatch the eggs instead of the mother duck. -
Bye bye school
When he was seven his mother take huim out of school and taught him at home because his teacher thought his contant questions were a sign of stupidy. -
First chemistry lab
He set up a chemistry lab in the basement in his home, and during one of his expriments, he almost burn the house. -
To earn money for the expriments he started to work on the train station. -
STOP chemistry
He was forced to stop the chemistry for a while when he almost burn the baggage car during one of his expriments. The conductor threw him out of the train. -
Flying Friend
Once he gave a friend a triple of seidlitz powders hoping that enoght gas would be generated to enable him to fly. This resulted in terrible agonies for his friend and a whipping for him. -
Chemistry chances
At sixteen he was given the chance to learn how to be a telegraph operator, and then he became as facinated by electricy as he had been with chemistry.