Imhrat Khan's birth
Imhrat Khan borned in a poor familly at Kashmin. -
Found Professor Moor
He stay with Professoe Mor for 8 week as his assistant or leanning magic. -
Imhrat Knhan left Pro Moor
He thought he can't get any real magic from Professor Moor -
Imhrat Khan join in a traveling theatre.
He tried to found a yogi for learning the real magic. -
Imhrat Khan found the yogi Banerjee
Banerjee invited him to another place -
Imhrat Khan started to learn Yoga
He was nearly 17 years old. He met the yogi of hardwar and began his yogi training. -
Imhrat Khan could walking on hot charcoal
Imhrat Khan did his exercises with candle every night when 1929
He was 24 years old at that time. -
Imhart Khan finally got his power
he could see things whiout his eyes now. -
Imhrat Khan met Dr. Cartwright
He told his story to Dr. Cartwright and show him the magic he've got. -
Imhrat Khan was died
Dr.Cartwright wrote his note about Imhrat Khan
Henry Sugar got the Dr.Cartwright's note about Imhrat Khan
Henry Sugar completely read it and he was 41 years old at that time. -
Henry Sugar started to do the candle exercises just like Imhrat Khan
Henry got the same power as Imhrat Khan
He used 3 years to get this power and he would like to make a big money in the casino by looking through the cards. -
Henry Sugar started to donate the money he got in casino to the orphanages.
He go to the casinos and cheated money. Then he give those money to orphanages. -
Henry met max and max helped Henry Sugar for his business
Henry Sugar died