The watsons go to birmingham 7

The Watsons Go to Birmingham

  • January

    The Watsons shiver in the Flint cold. Byron and Buphead teach Kenny how to survive a blizzard. Byron sticks himself to the Brown Bomber's rearview mirror while admiring his reflection. Rufus and Kenny become friends.
  • March

    Byron explains Momma's fear of the cold with his story about the garbage trucks that remove frozen dead bodies from the streets. Larry Dunn steals Kenny's gloves and then gives him and Rufus a Maytag wash. Byron gets the gloves back during the filming of a "movie."
  • April-May

    Momma catches Byron playing with matches. Joetta saves her brother when Momma tries to burn his fingers.
  • June

    Byron takes advantage of the family's charge account at Mr. Mitchell's store. He cries when he accidentally kills a dove with a cookie he has purchased from the store. Buphead gives Byron a "conk" so dad gives him a bald head. Momma and Dad call grandma Sands in Birmingham.
  • August

    Dad starts fixing up the Brown Bomber for their trip to AL.