Jan 1, 1095
The first of the Crusades began in 1095, when armies of Christians from Western Europe responded to Pope Urban II’s plea to go to war against Muslim forces in the Holy Land. The Europeans wanted goods from Asia, Getting to Asia was very difficult, very far, cost a lot of moneyadn too much time. This is important because Crusade was the name given to the holy war which was fought against people who were regarded as opponents of Christianity. -
Jan 1, 1346
Black Death
The plague killed 1/3 of the whole entire European population. People thought it was a punishment from God. The European population were very holy poeple. The black deathwas a red circular rash and that popped up in a few spots on your bodies, but had a very horrible effect. This is important because many poeple were killed because of this disease. -
Jan 1, 1488
Dias Voyage
Portugese explorer Bartolomeo Dias became the first European Mariner to round the southern tip of Africa. Dias came about 217 years after Marco Polo. and expanded the explorations that were founded by the late Henry the Navigator. This is important because he sailed around the western tip of Africa in 1488. -
Apr 28, 1492
Columbus Voyage
Christopher had three ships; Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria. King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella gave supplies and more. Christopher Columbus never landed in the US; he landed in the Carribean. This is important because he was sailing for spain in an attemp to find a quicker route to India. -
Jan 1, 1497
Vasco da Gama
Vasco da Gamasailed to India around the tip of South Africa. He thought it was going to be a quicker route if he just wen taround the tip of South Africa. He was the first European to reach India by sea. This is important because he had a mission to reach India and open a sea route from Europe to the east. -
Jan 1, 1505
Martin Luther becomes a monk
Luther began to live life of a monk but did not abandon his studies. Between 1507&1510 Luther studied at the University of Erfurt and a University in Wittenberg.1510-1511, he took a break from his education to serve as a representative in Rome for German Augustian Monasteries. This is important because he changed Europe by starting the reformation and he believed that everyone should have free access to the word of God. -
Jan 1, 1513
Ponce de Leon explores Florida
Juan Ponce de Leon was a spnaish explorer and conquistador. He is known for exploring modern day US; exploring South and Central Florida. He thought that when he got to the coast of mainland North America that he landed on another island. He became the Governer of Puerto Rico by appointment of the spanish crown. This is important because he decided to explore a nearby island. -
Oct 31, 1517
Posting of 95 theses
Martin luther posted 95 theses on the dorr of the Wittenberg church. Marting luther posted the 95 theses becausd he ddin't like how the church was ran. This marked the beginning of the protestant reformation. This is important becuase the 95 theses brought changes and religion adn the way of life today. -
Jan 1, 1532
King Henry VII'S divorce
King Henry VII married a women named Catherine of Aragon. King Henry needed a boy. Catherine kept having misscarriages, King Henry wanted a divvorce because Catherine couldn't get him a boy, so he asked the pope and the Catholic church did not allow divorce.
This is important because King Henry needed a boy but Catherine couldn't get him one. -
Sep 1, 1565
St.Augestine Est.
It was established in September 1565. St. Augestine is located in Northeast Florida. It was the first city in America. This is impotant because many explorers were wanting to travel and find out more about St. Augestine. -
James Town est.
Virginia company found Jamestown. King James I gave permission for 144 men to start a colony in Virginia. In the early 1600s smoking was very popular. John Rolfe began shipping tobacco from Jamestown to England. This was important because it was the first permanent English settlement in North America. It is America's birthplace. -
New York est.
New York was one of the original 13 colonies. It's located on the Atlantic coast of North America . The New York colony was classified as one of the middle clonies. in 1664, King Cahrles claimed New Netherlnads as his, New York was named after the Duke of York. This is important because of the furtrade -
Maryland est.
The province of Maryland was an English and later british colony in North America that existed from 1632 until 1776, when it joined the other twelve of the thirteen colonies in rebellion agaianst Great Britian and became the US of Maryland. This is important because it was notable for having been established with religious freedom for catholics. -
Rhode Island
It was founded in 16636 by Roger Williams and other colonists. The Rhode colony was classified as one of the New England colonies. This is important because religious refuges from the Massachusetts Bay colony settled in Rhode Island. -
This colony was founded by James Oglethrope and other colonists. Georgia Colony was one og the original 13 colonie. Located on the Atlantic coast of North America, Prisoners were settkers. There was a buffer fir the soanish Florida. This is important because Georgia was in the first group of states to ratify the new Constitution after the revolutionary war. -
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris of 1738, negotiated between the United States and Great Britian, ended the revolutionary war and recognized American Independence . This is important because it ended the war of American Revolution. -
Creation of sons of Liberty
The sons of liberty were a griup who strongly disagreed with the taxes and treatment the British have given them. At first their protest were peaceful, but then because became violent after some time. The group's leaders name was Sam Adams. This is important because they were some of the first to attack the British. -
Stamp Act
The stamp act was a tax placed on all printed items. This Act was passed by the British government. This act made colonists have printed goods stamped after paying the tax. This is important because it was the first direct tax on the colonist. -
Tea Act
The parliament on May 10, 1773, granted the British East India company Tea a monoploy on tea sales in the American colonists. The passing of the tea Act imposed no new taxes on the American coloines. This was important because it was a contributing factor to the American Revolution. -
Battle of Lexinton-Concord
The British were led by Lieutenant Colonel Francis Smith. There were 700 British regualars. The British soldiers were called "regulars" or sometimes red coats because they wore red uniforms. The leaders of the militiamen in Lexington was captian John Parker. A lot of his soldiers, around 25% then, were his relatives.
This is important because they were munition deposts. -
2nd Continental Congress
The 2nd Continental Congress convenced in Philadelphia's Independence Hall on May 10, 1775,after the battle of Concord and Lexington had been fought. The 2nd Congress was led by John Hancock. other new members included Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin.
This is important because the continantal congress was to direct the revolutionary war adn to preserve the union formed by 13 colonies. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Meriweather Lewis was an American explorer, who iwth WIlliam Clark led the Lewis and Clark Expedition through the uncharted American interior to the pacific Northwest in 1804. He later served as governer of upper Louisiana Territory. This is important because it led to active learning through exploration. It was about friendship and working together. -
The War of 1812
The United States took on the greatest naval power in the world, Great Britian, in a conflict that would have an immense impact on the young contry's future. Nonetheless, many in the United States celebrated the war as "second war of Indepence," beginning an era of partisan agreement and national pride. This is important because American Nationalism had increased dramatically as a result of standing on their own. -
Trail Of Tears
The trail of tears refers to the forced relocation of native americans following the Indian Removal Act of 1830, from southeastern regions in the United states to Indian Territory west of Mississippi River. This is important because the government ordered the forced removal of Cherokee from their homes to be relocated in what is now today Okalahoma. -
Donner Party
In Mid April 1846, eight families gathered at springfield. They wanted to find a better life beyond the Rockies. On their expedition to the west the Donner Brothers decided to take a short cut off a book they read to California. This is important because the Donner party gave them resons to not move West, or hire a driver. -
California Gold Rush
During this time gold was discovered in California. Over 300,000 people rushed to California to find gold and "strike it rich" Gold was first discovered in California by James Marshall at Suther's Mill near the city of Coloma. This is important because the gold rush brought large numbers of American citizens and new immigrants from Europe to California. -
Underground Railroad
The underground railroad was a network of people that helped slaves escape. The farther south you were the harder it was to escape. Also it was many dangers involved trying to escape. This is important because it was a system slaves wouldn't have been able to escape. -
Sherman' March to the sea
Union General William T. Sherman led some 60.000 soldiers on a 285-mile march from Atlanta to Savannah,Georgia. The purpose of the march was ro frighten geogia's civilian populationinto abandoning the confederate cause. This is important becuase Sherman and his army captured Atlanta, Geogia, an important transformation center in the confederacy. -
Assassination of Lincoln
John Wilkes Booth, fatally shot President Lincoln ata play at Ford's Theatre in Washington D.C. The attack came only five days after confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to end the Civil war. This is important because Lincoln was valuabke to the union so long the confederacy was in rebellion.