It starts
In chapter 1 finn an his friends try to fined out the mystery of walts pen. Finn ventures off in to the theme park after closing hours an discovers that there isn't only security gaurds roaming around at night. He discovers that there is an evil pressence that has stolen walts pen an is trying to destroy it an all the characters that Walt has made. -
Period: to
The Return
Back in time
The next day, Finn goes back in the theme park to get more cluse on to where to find the evil presssence. Finn decides to enter a park rollercoaster but he sees something that gave him cills down his spine. As he looked straight into the misty ride he sees red glowing eyes staring right back at him. He was so scared he tried to run but tripped an fell into the cart an the ride started to move but what he did not notice was that the hands on his watch were moving faster an faster.......BACKWARDS! -
Blast from the past
at the end of his trip, he woke up an notice that he was inside a clear box on a stage. He looked around an saw two people around him an there were people watching him like he was a show, but then he realize they were not looking at him, they were looking at the act behind him. He then realized that nobody could see him but this man in a hood on stage. -
The man in the hood
As the man stared Finn down, Finn stared back an a whole in the box appeared. As the whole appeard the man in the hood stuck out his hand an something pointy appeared on a stick but Finn couldnt make out what it was. The man took the stick an poked Finn in the head an then he fell to the floor un concouse -
Morning call
When Finn called Willa he told her everything that happened to him, but she said that it was to hard to believe an that he needs proof. He told her that there is a tattoo of Walts pen on his arm an she said that he could have just drawn it on but Finn said that its on his right arm an that he is right handed. -
The return
As he woke up he went to go check the time, but his watch is busted an the screen of the clock was shatered. when he looked farther up his arm he notice a drawing, almost like a tattoo. He also notice that it looked exactly like walts pen. The only problem is that the drawing is on his right arm ab he is right handed. It made no sense to him, so he called his friend willa to help. -
The tattoo
As Finn tried to explain his tattoo to Willa, she was tellig him that it was not true an that he was making it up. So he left his house an went to the park to see if he can go back to were he was when he got the tattoo. -
Return to the park
When he returned to the park he re traced his steps so he can remember how he got to where he went. As he walked through the park he heared voices coming his way an he duct behind a shop an watched them. They were looking at those old hologram child greeters.He also notice they were taking notes on it like they were trying to build it them selves. Right then one of the guys dropped is note book an the one next to him slapped him up beside his head an told him to pick it up.