Herbert Hoover
His political party was Republican. He was born August 10th 1874. He died Octuber 20th 1964. He was 90 when he died. He went to College at George fox universty and sandford universty. He had two kids their names were Herbert Hoover jr. and allen hoover. -
Franklin D Rossevelt
His political paty was Democratic. He was born on january 30, 1882. Died April 12, 1945 amnd he was 63. He went to College for law school.He had six kids their names were Anna, James, Frankilin 1, Elliot, Franklin 2, and john. -
Harry S Ttruman
He was born May 8th, 1884 and he died December 2, 1972 and he was 88. His political party was democrate. He did not go to school. He a one kid her name was Margaret. -
Dwight David Eisenhower.
He was born on October 14th 1890, in Denison Texas. His party is republican. His occupation was Solider General. He went to college at U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He died on March 28 1969 in Washington D.C. -
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
He was born May 29, 1917, in Brookline, Massachusetts. His party is Democratic. His Occupations: Navy ensign; journalist; author. He went to College at harvard University; Stanford University. He died November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. -
Lyndon Baines Johson
He was born on August 27th 1908 in Stonewall. His party is Democratic. His occupation is ranch teacher. He went to college at South West Texas City. He died on Januray 22 1973 in johnson City Texas. -
Richard Milhous Nixon
He was born January 9, 1913, in Yorba Linda, California. His Occupations is a lawyer;naval officer. His party was Republican. He went to College at Whitter College. He died April 22, 1994, in New York. -
Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr.
He was born on July 14, 1913, In Omaha, Nebraska. His Occcupations is a Lawyer. His party is a republican. He went to college at yale universty and law school. He died december 26 2006 in rancho mirage california. -
James Earl Carter Jr.
He was born october 1 1924. His party is a democratic. His occupation was a naval officer and a peanut farmer. He went to college at U.S. Naval Academy. He is 87 and still living. -
Ronald Willson
He was born in February 6, 1911, in Tampico, Illinois. He went to College at Eureka Collage. His Occpations were radio sports announcer;actor;spokesman. His party was Republican. He died June 5, 2004, in Ble-Air, California -
George Herbert Walker Bush
He was born June 12, 1924, in Milton , Massachusetts. His Occupations were a Oliman. His party was Republican. He went to Collage at Yale University, and he is living. -
William Jefferson Clinton
He was born on August 19, 1946, in hope, Arkansas. His Occupations are Attorney;law school.His party was Democratic. He went to Collage at Georgetown University, Oxford University,and Yale Law School. He is still living. -
George Walker Bush
He was born on July 6, 1946,in New Haven, Connecticut. His Occupations was a Oliman,and a baseball team owner. His party was a Republica. He went to College at Yale University; Harvard University.He is still living. -
Barack Hussein Obama ll
He was born born on August 4, 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii. His party was Democratic. His Occupations was Community organizer;attorney; And also a author. He went to College at Columbia University; Harvard Law school. He is also living.