The Other Side - Hazem El Masri

  • Period: to

    Pre-Australia (In Lebanon)

  • Tripoli Bombing

    "There was a bombing in a Tripoli shopping mall. "It was hard to believe I had once been part of that madness." Hazem reflects on how insane his life was back in Lebanon, as compared to Australia
  • Soccer Brawl

    Hazem got into a brawl in his last game of Year 11, which influenced his move to the Rugby League. "Stupidly, I wanted to go on with the fight..." Hazem reflects on the fact that his decision to pursue the fight was a foolish one
  • Neighborhood Fight

    Hazem tried to break up a fight in between two brothers, but it escalated to the point a gun was pulled "I couldn't believe it ... it was shocking to find sheer stupid violence was here too." Hazem was horrified to find his safe haven (Australia) invaded by the "sheer stupid violence" he associates with Lebanon.
  • Dissolution Of The Neighborhood Fight

    Hazem met the gang through a mutual friend to mediate the fight, but a thug provoked him and Hazem lost his cool. They fought one-on-one, Hazem won and it was done.
    "Still, my pride took over my tongue ... " Hazem acknowledges that his arrogance led him astray, and initiated another fight that there was no need for it.
  • 9/11 Twin Tower Bombings

    9/11 occurred and Hazem started getting questioned about what happened "I was in shock. As a Muslim, I was no more capable of understanding it than anyone else." Hazem was bombarded with questions about what happened, why it happened and if he related to any of it. Obviously, he didn't and that was apparently in his disbelief.