odysseus was on the island of calypso and was there for seven years as he enjoy the company of her but still misses his wife -
odsseus goes home
Athena sends Hermie's to tell calypso to let odsseus go home to his wife -
the island of the cylopse
Odsseus gets captured by the cylopse while he eats odsseus's comrads -
Cylopse calls out to his father posiden and posiden seeks revenge on odyssues by making the sea rough and hard for him to travel -
lutis eaters
The lutis eater tricks odyssues and his comrades to eat there fruit making them forget where they live. -
Circe turns odyssues men into swine's and seduces odyssues making him not want to leave -
land of the dead
When the gost tell odyssues the future and that he is going to survive -
circe tell odyssues he is going to face problem when on his way home. he will face the scallya and carbydus
The scallya has to eat 6 of odyssues men in order for them to pass. It eats 6 of his men and let them through -
the escape
Odysseus escapes the cylopse by tricking him