
The Lucky One

  • Night Rade

    Night Rade
    Logan went in on a night rade where there were two units that ran into each other and got fired on by the enemy where a soldier from the other unit was killed. (Drake was killed)
  • Period: to

    The Lucky One

  • The Picture

    The Picture
    -In the morning he saw something shiny on the ground when he picked it up it was a picture of a beautiful woman he kept this picture with him for the rest of his tour overseas because the back said to stay safe and it kept him safe.
  • Victor

    Over the next 5 years, on the 3 tours, he went on he carried the photo with him everywhere after trying to find the owner but no one fessed up. His buddy victory always said that the photo was a good luck charm and that he owed the woman in the photo. Even 10 minutes before he was shot and killed he said that it was Logan's destiny to find her an thank her so he did.
  • Hampton

    The lighthouse in the back of the photo led him to find Hampton North Carolina. Where Logan finds the woman (Beth) after showing a picture to a few of the locals in a pool hall.
  • Beth Green

    Beth Green
    Logan goes to the kennels where he finds out she lives and sees a help wanted sign and says he is here for a job.
  • Debt

    Logan gets comfortable around the kennel after trying to tell Beth about the picture a couple of times he decides to hold off and try to pay off the unknown debt he owes her.
  • First Dinner

    First Dinner
    One Night Beth's son (Ben) invites him to stay for dinner after supper Ben and Logan play chess where Ben dominates Logan and beth thinks its funny. They create small talk after Ben goes to bed and Logan gets to know Beth and her past a little more. Beth talks about her ex-husband and how they had Ben in high school and how his attitude toward her lies.
  • Second Dinner

    Second Dinner
    After Beth invited Logan to stay for dinner because of the way he protected her and he was already making kites with ben. Beth watched Logan and look at all of his features while they build that kite before dinner slowly noticing how attracted she actually was to Logan.
  • Keith

    A couple of days later after Beth's husband drops off ben after the weekend is over he gets angry at the way beth is talking to him and puts his hands on her logan defends her and makes Keith back off but makes him angry. Before Keith leaves he threatens Logan and tells him to ¨ watch himself ¨.
  • Third Dinner

    Third Dinner
    The next day logan beth and ben all went to a pizza place where ben went and played video games beth and logan got to know each other even more beth even asked to go out on a date with him.
  • First Date

    First Date
    Saturday evening beth and Logan went out on their first date. Beth drove over to Logans from there they went to a small seafood restaurant in Wilmington. They ate lots of food and danced till they couldn't stand it anymore. The night was coming to an end dinner went great and the drive home was better logan and beth just talking and flirting soon were back at Logan's house...
  • After the Date

    After the Date
    Logans plan was just to end the night there, but Beth had another idea when she invited herself into the house logan showed her around his house they talked a lot more shared their first kiss, and shared a lot more over and over; slowly but surely that night they fell in love and let each other know. What that had them that and even sat outside while got personal inside.
  • The Picture

    The Picture
    Beth asks Logan about the picture very emotional she kicks him out without letting him explain.
  • The Picture

    The Picture
    Keith had now told beth about the photograph and is warning her because he claims Logan is a stalker beth actually believes him this time.
  • Piano

    The next day everyone was sitting n the living room and nana got a call saying that the pianist at the church had a broken wrist what logan didn't know but Beth did is that nana was going to ask him to play. He did and after church, the man he had originally asked about the picture of Beth, told Keith he had recognized him.
  • Keith

    Keith followed Beth to Logans yet again and watches them make up and that sets him over the edge.
  • Explanation

    The next day after she had time to cool off and talk to nana, she convinces Beth to hear him out. Beth goes to Logans and does just that he talks she listens…Logan tell her everything victor used to tell him and she soon is okay and doesn't think she has stalked her anymore.
  • The Tree House

    The Tree House
    Logan Keith and Beth ran after him to save him Zeus trailing not far behind Keith fell and had broken his ribs trying to save him first just holding onto a rope just to keep his head above water ben had fallen in with Zeus dragging him to the shoreline to safety logan and Keith still on the bridge until the rope completely snapping and them floating downstream. Zeus went after managing to but found.
  • Keith

    Keith came to Beth that next night and was threatening Beth to take Ben away for her being a ¨ unfit ¨ mother because of her personal relations with Logan and soon threatened to take ben out of her life if Logan doesn't leave. Ben ran to the tree house because he doesn't want his father to away but the rotted bridge.
  • The End

    The End
    Two months later ben Logan beth and nana were all family ben still grieving the death of his father but at least logan was there for all of them.