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The lotus eaters

  • 1286 BCE

    Odysseus and his men survive temptation

    Odysseus and his men survive temptation
    The lotus eater tried to tempt oddyeseis and his men to eat the lotus flowers but after seeing the outcome they left
  • 1205 BCE

    The Trojan

    The Trojan
    The Trojan war was started after Paris was kidnapped.so the Trojan war could have been been avoided and thousands of men wouldn’t have lost their lives.the Spartans and the Trojan s could have lived without conflict.
  • 1185 BCE

    The island of the cyclops

    The island of the cyclops
    After the Trojan war Odysseus and his men stop at the the island of the cyclops so that he could take down the cyclops to show he can.
  • Period: 1184 BCE to 1189 BCE

    The enterance of the island of lotus eaters

    UnknownAfter the lost the six of his men Odysseus is swept by a current to the island of lotus eaters.the native people greeted oddyseis and his me with the lotus flower but they noticed that the scene didn’t look good so they left
  • 1186

    The lotus eaters analysis

    The lotus eaters analysis
    Odysseus so that he could think on his feet and lead his men out of danger. When the lotus eaters presented the lotus and they the saw the affects Odysseus showed is that he could control his pride. Usually Odysseus would put his men in danger because of his pride
  • 1186

    The island of the cyclops analysis

    Odysseus stop at the island of the cyclops because he wanted to prove that he can take down a cyclops. The cyclops at some of Odysseus’s men and he gave the cyclops some wine so he can let his guard down and then stabbed him in the eye.odyseus put him men in danger for his pride. He didn’t kill the cyclops because he was the only one strong enough to move the boulder.