
The long Walk, Slavomir Rawickz, Fiction, 277pg.

  • Pg. 1-32

    Slavomir Rawics was a polish luitendant during World War 2. The books starts with Rawics walking into a white walled room with many Rusian me talking, Rawics is trapped in a Russian prison his body aches he is unclean and his clothes barely fit him, he is not sure what is going on but he does know that his life may be threatened but the comfort of voices helps him through.
  • pg.32-61

    As he sits in his cell Rawics recounts all the different prisons he had gon to and what his situation was. Slavomir Rawics was a man born in northern poland who spoke fluent russian at the end of world war 2 he was arrested by the Russian secret police and thrown in a lubyanka prison Rawics was tortured everynight qalways being asked to sighn the same paper in which he was not aloud to read at one point he was drugged the torture stopped and he moved prisons
  • 61-83

    Rawicz was to face a court of russians he was charged for being a spy and the paper that he sighned only after he had been drugged was held in front of him. After being charged rawicz was hsoved into a train car with a hundred other polish prisoners it was torture in itself the men decided they were headed to siberia. Many men died on the train car which was so packed that the men could not even sit.