The Life of Mark Twain

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  • Samuel Clemens is Born

    Samuel Clemens is Born
    Samuel Clemens also known as Mark Twain was born on this day. He was born in Florida, Missouri. On this day, Halley's Comet was visible in the sky. He was the sixth child of John Marshall and Jane Lampton Clemens.
  • Samuel Works for the Newspaper

    Samuel Works for the Newspaper
    Samuel's older brother bought the Western Union newspaper and Samuel began working for him as a printer and editorial assistant. This is where he discovered his love for writing. The year prior to this he had been an apprentice at Missouri Courier newspaper.
  • Samuel Pilots

    Samuel Pilots
    Samuel Clemens became a fully licensed pilot. He then continued to pilot many steamboats before the war. In 1857 he became an apprentice river pilot. His alias Mark Twain came from his years of piloting steam boats because it means that it is safe to navigate.
  • The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County

    The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
    His story "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" was published in the New York Saturday Press. It gained him a lot of recognition and fame.
  • Twain gets Married

    Twain gets Married
    Twain married Olivia Louise Langdon in Elmira, New York after being engaged for about a year. They soon had their first child but he died while still a baby.
  • Twain Builds a House

    Twain Builds a House
    During this year, Samuel built a house in Hartford. After marrying Olivia Langdon, they moved to Hartford. His daughter Sarah was born on March 19 1872. They finally moved in on September 19, 1874. They had to move out in 1891 due to financial problems.
  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
    In this year "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" was published. It was very popular then and is still very popular now. It is a timeless novel that connects to many people sense of youth.
  • The Death of Samuel Clemens

    The Death of Samuel Clemens
    On this day Samuel Clemens "Mark Twain" died from heart complications. Halley's comet was also present in the sky once again like the day he was born. During his life, he wrote 28 books and many short stories and sketches. He remains popular even today.