
The Life of Ernest Hammingway

  • Date of birth

    Date of birth
    Ernest hemmingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois.
  • Ernest's Mom

    His Mom would dress him like a girl, and make him act like a girl.
    Ernest listened because he wasnted to be accepted by his mom.
  • Fishing

    His family would go camping, this was the only time ernest could act and dress like a boy. He loved fishing with his dad
  • first public writing

    first public writing
    Ernest was not very athletic, he wrote for the newspaper and this is were he found his passion for writing.
  • Ernest Goes to War

    Ernest Goes to War
    After High school ernest decides to join the army but is turned down due to vision problems. He switched paths and joined the medic department to still support the war effort.
    "A Man can be destroyed, but not defeated"
  • Ernest Gets Hurt

    Ernest Gets Hurt
    After being in italy for just over a month the facility he was working at was hit with a mortar strike, leaving Ernest in medical care, and out fo the rest of the war.
  • First Love

    First Love
    while in the medical care center Ernset found his firts real love in a nurse named Agnes Von Kurowsky. htis relationship was broken apart after rnest reurned home due to the age seperation.
  • Toronto Star & Hadley Richardson

    Toronto Star & Hadley Richardson
    Shortly after coming home Ernest landed a job wiith the Toronto Star newspaper, He also found love with Elizabeth Hadley Richardson, making this his first marriage
  • Paris Bound

    Paris Bound
    Ernest and his family moved to Paris. There he Met his good friend Gertrude stein and published his first book " Three Stories and Ten Poems" " All things truly wicked start inncent"
  • The Sun Also Rises

    The Sun Also Rises
    "The Sun Also Rises" is published and is a commerical sucess. "All good books have one thing in common - they are truer than if they had really happened."
  • Divorce and Relocation

    Divorce and Relocation
    Erenest divorce's Hadley and marries Paulie Pfeiffer, they later move to key west, one of Erenest's favorite places in the world.
  • 3rd Child

    3rd Child
    Ernest's 3rd child is Born, Gregory, Ernest calls him "Gig".
  • Spain & Africa

    Spain & Africa
    Ernest travel the world being intrigued by Spain's bullfight, which lead to the " Death in The Afternoon". He is also inspired by the African Safaria"s, which lead to " The Snows of Kilimajaro"
  • Another Divorce

    Another Divorce
    Ernest divorces, and marries journalis Martha Gellhorn. They resigned in Ernest's Cuban estate off and on for the next 20 years.
  • Divorce Again

    Divorce Again
    Ernest divorces Martha, later to find Mary weksh, a war correspondent and his final wife.
  • Navy Volunteer

    Navy Volunteer
    Ernest volunteer's for the navy, arming his ship, Pilar with guns and cannons. He never fired a shot but was awared a bronze star fo his bravery.
  • The Old Man and the Sea

    The Old Man and the Sea
    Ernest writes one of his most sucessful Novels, " THe Old Man and the Sea". It is a story about a Santiago the Fisherman, it is a huge sucess.
  • Awards

    In 1953 Ernest wins Putizer prize for " The Old Man and the Sea". Also in 1954 he wins a Nobel Prize for Literaure.
  • Death

    Ernest is found dead in his home of Ketchum, Idaho. He comitted suicide. Many say he did it from depression, alcoholism, and numerous physical ailments. He is still known today as one of the greatest american writers of all time.