Home sick with the flu for the entire week.
Denny catches the flu and can't go to school for a week. To treat it his doctor tells him to get proper nutrition, rest, and drink plenty of fluids. Denny promises that he will get the flu shot, eat right, and wash his hands often to avoid getting it again next year. -
Learns about his family history of Diabetes.
Denny Dog realizes that his family has had a long history of diabetes. He decides that they should eat healthier. His family now has a lower risk of weight gain, high blood pressure, fatigue, and complications that come from having diabetes. -
Grandfather dies.
Denny's granfather dies and Denny goes through the different stages of grief. He has feelings of sadness during the depression stage and thinks about how he could have prevented his grandfather's death during the remorse stage. -
Uncle starts smoking again.
Denny's uncle started smoking again and Denny is afraid that he could develop some long-term health problems. These could include Chronic bronchitis, Emphysema, Lung cancer, or Coronary heart disease. -
Denny creates a health goal to avoid stress.
Denny decides that he should make avoiding stress one of his health goals. He plans to do this by using rufusal skills, planning ahead, thinking positively, and avoiding drugs. -
Puberty Begins.
Some of the first mental/emotional changes are an increase in memory and cognition. Denny also starts thinking logically and searching for meaning. -
Pledges to stay abstinent.
Denny pledges to stay abstinent. His parents suggest that he avoid dating dogs that are sexually active, stay away from situations where you might be pressured to engage in sexual activity, and be clear about your decision to stay abstinent with others. -
Faces a weight gain problem.
Denny faces a problem regarding weight gain in the physical side of the health triangle. He overcomes this challenge by eating nutritious meals and engaging in 30-60 minutes of exercise daily. -
Denny stresses over final exams.
Denny is stressed over his final exams. One of his physical symptoms was a headache. He gets through it by redirecting his energy. -
Denny takes the keys away from his best friend before he drives home drunk from a party.
Denny stops his friend from driving under the influence. He tells his friend that drinking and driving could land him in jail or it could hurt someone else. -
Best friend starts drinkng on the weekends.
Denny's best friend starts drinking on the weekends. Denny is afraid that his friend will become an alcoholic, develop high blood pressure, damage his heart, or get alcohol poisoning.