The Little House on the Poppy feilds
When Matt was very young he used to live in the little house on the poppy fields. Matt was'nt aloud outside or to go with Celia to her job. -
Matt was inside watching telivision and he saw three children at his window. The smallest one about his age was a little girl named Maria, they urged him to come outside but the widow was locked so he broke it. -
The Alcran Estate
After getting injured Matt found out he was a clone so they forced him to sleep outside for days untill a maid named Rosa imprisoned him. -
El Partron
After being imprisoned for a year Celia and Maria told El Patron and he freed Matt. Little did Matt know that he was El Patrons clone. El Patron also had sent Rosa away to turn her into an eejit. -
The Party
El Patron was having a party. Matt did'nt like Tom so he moved him to the baby table and put Maria next to himself. Maria caught what he was doing untill Matt hurt her and at the end of the party he forced Maria to kiss him, this made El Patron happy -
When matt turned 14 he found out his real purpose for being cloned. El Paron was going to use him for spare body parts this made him angry. Celia poisened him with arsnic so El Patron could not use his heart and El Patron dies. -
Running Away
With El Patron dead Matt had no one to protect him so he runs away. -
The Plankton Factory
Matt wa shipped to the plankton factory and him and his new riends run away to san luis. -
The Lord of Opium
When Matt returnes he becomes the new El Patron and the lord of opium