
The Early Bird Didn't Get the Worm

By Danlog
  • The POW Party

    The POW Party
    The End of WWII The POWs threw a party to commemorate the end of WWII. They demolished the camp fence, built a pile of wood, and burnt it. The partied and drank to forget their harsh POW days and celebrate the days being in the past.
  • The Allies win the War

    Japan signed the offical surrender for WWII. The Allies had won.
  • Naoetsu to Yokohama

    Naoetsu to Yokohama
    The actual New York Times ArticleThe day after Louis arrived in Yokohama, a New York Times reporter interviewed him and wired his incredible story back to the United States. The story debued three days later, even though Zamperini would not return to the states for a couple months. “It took me a month to reach home, resting and recuperating along the way,” he said.
  • Stopover Kwajalein

    Stopover Kwajalein
    The POW's landed at "Execution Island" on their journey back to the United States. After the island was captured by the allies, it became an American Base. This was bittersweet to the men, especially Louis because this is where the hell all began for him and the horrible memories returned.
  • First sees Cynthia

    First sees Cynthia
    Louis sees Cynthia for the first time at a bar. This is ironice becasue his alcoholism in the future added to the tension of his marriage.
  • The Olympics are announced

    The Olympics are announced
    1000 m run Berlin The olympics are announced to take place again in July 1948 and Louis begins to train agin trying to regain his old life.
  • Louie and Cynthia get married

    Louie and Cynthia get married
    Louis was tryingt o adjust to his home life and the overwhelming stress and anxiety ultimately affected his wife. Through several incidents of PTSD, the war years further put tension on his relationship with his wife, driving her away.
  • Cynthia is pregnant

    Cynthia is pregnant
    Cynthis announces her preganancy.
  • PTSD episode

    PTSD episode
    PTSD statitics Louis has a flashback dream of the Bird and it sparks his PTSD. He wakes up to find himslef strangling Cynthia and to her screaming for help, This was the epiphany moment where he is horrified with himself and begins to stay in the state of denial and stubborness.
  • The end

    The end
    Louis strangles Cissy and Cynthis leaves. This is the last straw down the terrible road of alcoholism and subborness. He was left alone with only his alcohol and anger to keep him company.
  • Louis' Conversion

    Louis' Conversion
    The Religious Journey Louis has a conversion towards Jesus. It allows him to change his wasy and he discovers "he is a good man".
  • Louis Returns to Japan

    Louis Returns to Japan
    The Letter Louis retruns to Japan with a letter to forgive the Bird. He is facing his past and ready to move on. The Bird refuses to see him. "Love replaced the hate I had for you."
  • Louie carried the Olympic Torch in L.A.

    Louie carried the Olympic Torch in L.A.
    [Link to picture]( This is only one of the 5 Olympic Torches he would carry in his lifetime after the war. It a symbol of triumph and unity, just like Louie himself with victory and escaping the war.
  • Another Olympic Torch

    Another Olympic Torch
    Louie carried the Olympic torch past the Naoetsu POW Camp.Zamperini returned to Japan to carry the torch at the Nagano Winter Games. He let Wanatnabe know that he came to forgive him, but Watanabe did not accept the forgiveness, nor wanted to meet with him. The prison guards told Zamperini that he was dead.
  • Wanatnabe dies

    Wanatnabe dies
    One could only imagine that on this day, Louie was overwhelmed with emotions. Sad to hear of the man passing, for when he turned to Christianity, felt the need to forgive the Bird and talk peace with him. Yet, there must have been a sigh of relief knowing the man who tortured him is now dead.
  • Louis Zamperini Dies

    Louis Zamperini Dies
    A memoir The America world war ll veteran lived a great life. Many people learned a lot from his heroic, yet grueling journey. His life portrayed through this novel put into perspective what the POWs went through during the war and the effects afterwards.