The cold war 1 638

The cold war

  • VE day

    VE day
    Victory in Europe was very important. On May 9, the Soviets would lost 600 soldiers because in Silesia before the Germans finally surrendered. Ve Day was not celebrated until the 9th in Moscow. They defeated the Nazis and due to the the war ended. This was a militaristic action policy because soldiers were involved and because of them the war is over.
  • First atomic bomb

    First atomic bomb
    The united states uses the first atomic bomb in the cold war. When using the bomb in the cold war it gave the united states an advantage. This is scientific because creating an atomic bomb for the cold war was created with science.
  • Japan

    Japan changes over time. in japan the Japanese emperor lost all of his political powers. They finally let women have education. The united states helped with this to rebuild japan. The united states and japan are close and are trading partners. This is economical because they worked together to make japan a better place.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Martin Luther King, Jr.
    Martin Luther king was a brave and strong man. He wanted equality. He wanted equal right for African Americans. All races joined in to support the civil rights movement. This is cultural because all races joined together for equal rights.
  • Cuba goes communist

    Cuba goes communist
    Cuba has turned into a communist country. This political because communism started happening in 1959 because Fidel Castro has taken over Cuba. therefore everyone living in Cuba has no freedom because it is communist
  • The postwar american boom

    The postwar american boom
    Sub-urbanization occurred in the united states. The united states had a lot of job opportunities. There were single family homes for Americans. The united states economy was doing very well. This is an economic action because the government made it very easy to live a life in America.
  • The berlin wall is toppled

    The berlin wall is toppled
    The Berlin wall was a very important event. The Berlin wall was destroyed by people. Because the Berlin wall was being destroyed it meant that it was the beginning of the end for the cold war. This event is important because this meant that people were free now. This is economic because many people were involved.