the catcher in the rye

  • 1946 Ally`s dead

    Ally died at the age of 11. He passes out due to leukaemia
    The night his brother pass away Holden slept on the garage and broke his hand smashing all the windows
  • the guy that died years before

    The guy died with Holden sweater
    the guy had jump off the window, and when he was on the floor Mr Antoliny picks him up.
  • Saturday around 11:30

    Holden decided to go to New York to stay until Tuesday
  • Saturday late night

    Holden enters the train on his way to new york city
  • saturday afternoon at Mr. Spencer`s home

    Saturday afternoon at Mr Spencer`s home
    holden had been spelt. Mr Spencer gives him advice on his future. That he is going to care when it is too late
  • saturday around 11

    They talk about Jane. Stranlater had been with Jane at the coach car all the time
    Stranlater had made out with Jane in the car
    They fight, Stranlater over him and hit him really hard until Holden bleeds
  • Saturday late night

    Holden arrives at the station in New York City. He goes to the Edmond hotel.
  • saturday late night/sunday

    he decides to go out and arrives at Ernie's
  • saturday night back at Holden`s room

    Jane Gallagher had a date with Stranlater
  • Sunday really early

    Being depressed you can't even think, he makes a bad desition and now a prostitute would go to his room.
    They ended up doing nothing Holden pays her and she leaves
  • around th end of saturday and the begginning of sunday

    He talks out loud with ally, he is basically talking alone, he told him to pick up his bike and wait in Bobby's garden. This somehow makes him feel better.
  • sunday´s morning

    Leave the hotel
    Leave his things on those places of the keys and goes to take breakfast
  • sunday´s morning

    goes to broadway to a record store to buy something for Phoebe
  • sunday afternoon

    Went to his date with sally early
    Talks about leaving the city and Sally said is not a good idea. Sally gets mad with him
    Call Carl and decide to go for a drink later
  • sunday night

    Carl arrives. he said why don't you grow up Caulfield. not a good conversation. Carl leaves.
    holden starts to drink a lot. Hardly see straight, leave the bar. He drops the record in his way to the park and cry. He took the pieces and keep them
  • sunday night, visit to Phoebe

    Went into his home. Walk really slow. He woke Phoebe up. Phoebe was super excited to see Holden. His parents weren't home.
    Phoebe is really worried about him. She pulls her pillow over her head and starts saying dad is going to kill you
    Phoebe asks if there was something he really likes he responds I like Ally and talking to you.
    Holden cries. Phoebe tries to make him stop crying.
    he leaves
  • sunday night at mr antoliny´s house

    Mr Antoliny gives advice to holden about he needs to realize what he wants to do.
  • monday morning

    holden ask phoebe to meet him at the museum in a note saying he is planning to leave far away.
    Phoebe arrived, with a suitcase. wants to go with him.
    they go top the zoo and there holden asks. Phoebe kissed him on the cheek and put his hat on Holden's head and starts ton play on the carousel. It started to rain. He was just so happy. and decides to stay
  • in authum

    Everyone asks a lot. he is waiting for what will come