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The Boy On The Wooden Box_Abigail Mengesha

  • Leon's father moves to Krakow

    Leon's father moves to Krakow
    In 1933, Leon's dad had to move to Krakow in around to raise money for his family. His family is barely surviving so he hopes to move to a new area alone, get a job, and help his family. (Negative) Leon had to watch his father leave him at a young age but he still tries to stay happy and help his family. This relates to the theme because Leon still didn’t give up hope and thing everything was going downhill when his father left. Instead he tried to make the best out of that moment.
  • Leon’s Family moves to Krakow

    Leon’s Family moves to Krakow
    After a while Leon’s dad earns enough money to bring his family to Krakow with him. Hoping that he could give his family a better future. (positive) Finally Leon’s family was all together again and nobody was separated from each other. This relates to the theme because even though Leon had to move he stayed positive about being in a new house, a new school, and ect.
  • Leon’s Dad is Thrown in Jail.

    Leon’s Dad is Thrown in Jail.
    One day the German police invade the family’s house and take the father away without any warning. Leon and his brother try very hard to find it. (Negative) Leon is separated from his family again which caused him to be frustrated and confused on why all this was happening. This relates to the theme because although Leon’s dad was gone he still helped his mom and brothers to make their lives more easier.
  • Leon’s Dad Gets a job with Oskar Schindler

    Leon’s Dad Gets a job with Oskar Schindler
    After barely eating for a while, Leon’s dad is finally able to get to a job at a factory with a German man. He gets hired because his dad can also speak German. (Positive) Finally his family can maybe power through still and make a comeback. By now Leon is also a lot more mature and independent. This relates to the theme because even though he’s young he still decides to get a job to help his family instead of just acting like a little boy.
  • Leon’s 10th Birthday Party

    Leon’s 10th Birthday Party
    After living in the new home it was finally Leon’s 10th birthday. Even though things were going as planned they still tried to make it fun and memorable for him. (Positive) This shows how Leon is now getting older and more mature in life then he was before. This relates to the theme because even though not everything is going well, Leon still tries to push everybody to be happy and keep his family smiling.
  • Leon’s Family Moves into the Ghetto

    Leon’s Family Moves into the Ghetto
    After a while the Nazi’s send all the Germans into the ghetto. Leon’s house was really small but it was still better then nothing. (Negative) Leon started to lose hope that the war would end but he did end up becoming friends with my the other Jews around him. Unlike the others, Leon was kind of happy about moving into the ghetto because it was a new area to move into and he even ended up becoming friends with the neighbors. He tried to make the best out of the moment for family.
  • Leon’s family slowly drift.

    Leon’s family slowly drift.
    After a while in the ghetto Leon had to go into hiding for almost 2 years to stay away from the Nazi’s. Slowly his dad, brother, and sister were all taken and then eventually his mom and him were also sent to the camp after. (Negative) Leon thinks he’s doomed and gives up that anything will good will happen to him and he started to just accept what was going on. Leon tried to still keep his family happy and protected while all of this was going on but it was hard to do.
  • Theme Statement

    Theme Statement
    My theme statement is that family is important and that it can help through tough times.