Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
I used Britannica Encylopedia on the entire timeline.
This is my bibliography because the other thing was not working. -
Feb 1, 1300
Start of the Rennisance
The Rennisance is also called the rebirth because it was the beggining of trade, and bringing back of Hellenism culture. Because of this increase of trade, cities were starting to be built. Also due to the black plague the ideas of individualism were created, and people started to care about their homes and appearance. This means that during this time period new designs of architecture, art , and trade were created. Examples of these were the ideas of perception, and realism. -
Jun 16, 1313
Giovanni Boccacio
Giovanni Boccacio was born in paris in 1313. He was an italian poet, and scholar who is most known for his earthly tales. He also was a founder of humanism working with his partner Petrearrch. He also was a scholar who changed the idea of the classics in literature. He died on Dec. 21, 1375 in Tuscany,Italy. -
Oct 1, 1347
Black Plague
In the year of 1347 a bacteria called yosenius pestus which originated on fleas in mongol territory china. These fleas lived on rats which would live in trade, and this caused the spread of one of the most deadly diseases. This disease originated in Italy and spread quickly killing 1/3 of european populations, and causing cities to die. It caused people to forget about trade and instead lock themselves in manors. This disease was often very painful and shown by black welts upon the skin. -
Dec 13, 1386
Donatello was a famous italian sculptor who was born in 1386. His magnificent sculptures were often creatred out of marble and bronze. Donatello was considered to be a very simple man, and he never married. Donatello was the son of Niccolò di Betto Bardi,a wool carder, and that was to be his job. However he managed to learn stone carving from a sculptor at the Cathedral. His first works were the St. George, and the St. Mark. He died in florence on 1466. -
Sep 27, 1389
Cosimo De Medici
Cosimo de Medicci was born in 1389 and would become one of the most important people in the city of Florence. He was the son of Giovanni di Bicci, and therefore began to represent the Meddici bank. After this he went to manage the papacy’s finances.In 1434 he began as dictator of Florence therefore starting the Medicci line. In 1462 he became a key member in the textiles industry. He was most likely the wealthiest man in his time due to money, and bank notes. -
Aug 16, 1398
Johann Gutenberg
Gutenburg created the first printing machine that would not be changed until the 20th century. He was a german inventor,and the son of a patrician of Mainz. He created his invention in 1450 which was made of a mold of matrices. They used an oil based printing ink that could ype could be cast precisely and in large quantities. He most likely died in February 3, 1468, -
Period: Jan 1, 1450 to
Northen Renaisance
Apr 15, 1452
Leonardo DaVinci
leonardo da vinci was a famous italian artist and inventor. He was born april 15 1452 to a small town near the republic of Florence. When he aas 15 due to his skills and fathers status da vinci was able to be apprentinced to the artist Verrocchio. when he was 30 leonardo started to do more complex math and create his infamous invention sketches. after for 17 years he went to milan where he made 6 paintings. da vinci died in Cloux May 2 1519 -
Oct 28, 1466
Desiderius Erasmus
Desiderius was a Dutch scholar who could possibly have been one of the most genious scholars in the Northern Renissance. He is most known for helping devlop the concept of humanism. This concept was created during the Renissance to emphasize the importance of human individuality and greco-roman culture. Another Example of a Humanist who is quite known would be Petrearch. He died in 536, -
May 3, 1469
Niccolo Machiavelli
Machiavelli was a famous author suring the Rennisance. His most famous work was called the Prince. THis book explained how to aqquire power,create state, and was published in 1513. This gave him the title of an atheist and caused controversy. He died june 21, 1527 in the city of Florence. -
May 21, 1471
Albrecht Durer
Albercht Durer was considered one of the greatest german artists of his time. He was 13 when his art skill was first discovered during an apprentinceship as a gold smith. When his father saw his magnificent technique, he was instead sent to a famous artis for an apprentince ship where he stayed for 3 years. His earliest painting was in 1490 of his father, and still stuns all with its ability. -
Dec 6, 1478
Baldassare Castiglione
Castiglione was a famous italian author.He is most known for his dialogue in the The Courtier. Thhis book explained how to be the perfect courtier, or noble person in the kings court. Castilgilione was of noble birth and therefore went to a Humanist school owned by Giorgio Merula and Demetrius Chalcondyles. He collaborated with many people throughout his life including the famous Rapheal. He died Feb. 2, 1529 in spain. -
Apr 6, 1483
Rapheal was a master painter ,and architect of his time. He was born april 6th in Urbino Italy to Giovanni Santi and Magia di Battista Ciarla. He created many amazing paintings, but his most known is the figures he created in the Vatican. He is most known for his work of shadows, and composition that still astound people today. -
Apr 23, 1564
William Shakespere
William Shakespeare was an English author who was born in Stratford. He created many unique, and heart wrenching plays that are still read today. Examples of these are his most known play of lovestruck lovers called Romeo and Juliet. In his time Shakespeare created the basis for many plays, and story plots while changing the style of writing. He died April 23 1616 after his wife Anne bore one child. -
End of the Renaissance
The Reformation of the church was the ending of the Rennisance. -
Thomas Moore
Thomas Moore was an irish author, and composer who almost resembled the perfect Rennissance man. He is most known for his poetic work called Irish Melodies. These were 130 poems that were set to the tune of his and John Stevenson's symphonies. Moore graduated from Trinity College, and then studied in the art of law. He was the son of a wine merchant, and friends with an amazing poet, Lord Bryant. He died Febuary 25, 1852.