Ted bundy

Ted Bundy

  • Birth

    born at a vacility for unwed mothers. He never met his father, and grew up thinking his grandparents were really his parents. He was raised in typical, non-abusive loving family.
  • Washington State Murder # 1

    Washington State Murder # 1
    He sexually assulted and beat with a metal pole, an 18 year old college danser. A month later he killed another person and dumped their body in a new location.
  • Washington Murders #3

    He kidnapped and murdered a 19 year old college student. A month later he lured a girl in by wearing a fake cast and she tried to help him and then he ended up murdering her.
  • Washington state murder #5

    College girl went missing. A month later he killed 2 more college girls.
  • Washington State Murder #7

    Washington State Murder #7
    In one day, he kidnapped and murdered 2 young females from a park. Eyewitness accounts led to police sketching to report him as a possible suspect, but he was a clean-cut law student and did not seem to match their description.
  • Utah Murder #1

    Moved from Washington to attentd law school in Salt Lake City, while in Utah he continued to murder younger females, but changed his MO.
  • Utah Murder #2

    He tried a new technique that lured people into his car and made them bellieve that he was a police officers asking them questions. It failed twice. But after that, he abducted and killed a 17-year-old female student who was leaving school to pick up her little brother.
  • The Colorado and Idaho Murders

    He killed four different females.
  • Finally Arrested

    Buddy was finally arrested while driving through Utah. The police searched his car and found burglary tools. Then detectives soon linkied him to the kidnapping.
  • First Trial

    First Trial
    Buddy was sentence to 15 years in prison.
  • Escape #1

    Escape #1
    While awaiting his trial for the murders, he escaped jail. He was caught 6 days later, but 7 months after that, he escaped again.
  • Florida Rampage

    Florida Rampage
    Buddy escaped to Florida, where he went on a murderous rampage. In a 30 minute period he killed 4 people. He killing them, he confessed to killing 35 people.