Period: to
Birth to Death
Tecumseh's father dies
Born at Old Piqua, on the Mad River in western Ohio, Tecumseh grew to manhood amid the border warfare that ravaged the Ohio Valley during the last quarter of the eighteenth century. His father, Puckeshinwa, was killed at the Battle of Point Pleasant. -
Village Moved
Tecumseh's village was attacked by mounted militia under John Bowen. The Shawnee repelled the attack but realized their vulnerability and migrated down the Ohio River. Some stayed in Ohio, but others, including Methoataske (Tecumseh's mother), continued to Missouri. Tecumseh was then raised by Chiksika and his older sister Tecumapease. -
American revolution
Tecumseh at the age of 14 helped Blackfish the Shawnee leader In the American Revolution. He helped Blackfish combine Indian and British attacks on Americas. During these attacks he was very crul to Americans which he later redeemed himself for. -
Brothers death
He saw his brother Cheeseekau killed in an unsuccessful raid near Nashville, Tennessee, in September 1792. As a result of his brothers death he was made tribe leader. Tecumseh was still made leader even though he was the youngest in the tribe. -
Battle of Fallen Timber
The Indians lost the Battle of Fallen Timbers and were forced to sign The Treaty of Greenville. In which they agreed to remain at peace, release all prisoners, and take back their claims to lands in Ohio. The Indians were able to hunt in these lands until they were actually settled. They also received a lot of money in trade goods . Tecumseh would not sign the treaty of Greenville and take part, then because of this his followers increased. -
Break With The "Peace" Chiefs
Tecumseh did not agree with the Greenville treaty. He attacked the peace chief because he felt strongly against he. He didn't like that the they were giving away land that wasn't theirs. -
Tecumseh's Brothers Vision
One of Tecumseh's little brothers had a visions that later made him a prominent religious leader. Tecumseh accepted his brothers teachings. He used his teachings as a political movement. -
Tecumseh's turned his brothers followings into a political movement. That led to the foundation of the Prophetstown settlement. Soon after Prophetstown was destroyed in the battle of Tippecanoe. -
The loss of Prophetstown
In November 1811, while Tecumseh was in the South attempting to recruit the Creeks into his confederacy, U.S. forces marched against Prophetstown. In the subsequent Battle of the Tippecanoe they defeated the Prophet, burned the settlement, and destroyed the Indians’ food supplies. -
Tecumseh is killed
After Prophetstown was destroyed during the Battle of Tippecanoe, the Shawnee chief fought in the war of 1812. He fought with pro-British forces in the War until his death in the Battle of the Thames.