Tectonic Plates

  • 1560

    Abraham Ortelius

    He was a Dutch cartographer.
    He was the first person able to identify the real shape of the Atlanric Ocean
  • Antonio Snider-Pellegrini

    He published "La creation et ses mystere devoiles" with a picture showing South America and Africa combined
  • Alfred Wegner

    He was a paleontologist. He was the scientist that first proposed in "The origin of continents and oceans" a comprhensive theory of continental drift.
  • Arthur Holmes

    He understood that radiocativity decay was a huge source of heat in the Earth's interior, he supposed the presence of convective cells such engines of continental drift
  • Hugo Benioff

    He was a sesmiologist who remarked that the distributions of volcanoes and earthquakes is correlated and that the deepest earthquakes always occour at continents edges, drawing and inclined flat surface.
  • Harry Hess and Robert Dietz

    They coin the term seafloor spreading
  • Tuzo Wilson

    He develops two concept crucial to the plate tectonic theory: hot spots and transform faults
  • MacKenzie and Palmer introduce the term plate tectonics