
By Mairely
  • Move from Texas to Florida

    Move from Texas to Florida
    Paul was on his way to Florida from Texas.Before he left, his imagination of a zombie following him representing that he was part of the family and that problems follow you no matter where you go.
  • The Fire

    The Fire
    When Paul went to go ride his bike the air was hot and damp
  • Soccer Team

    Paul ask if the office if they had a soccer team and Mrs.Gates said that they have a boys soccer team and a girl soccer team. The last year boys soccer team won first place, Tangerine county sports commission.
  • Football Try Outs

    Paul and his family went back to Paul and Erik school for the football tryout. Erik didn't have to tryout because he already had met up and talk with football coach. Soon it start to rain . Paul went inside the car. Paul saw the football team playing and he joined after a while he got tried.
  • First Day Of School

    First Day Of School
    Paul didn't realize that Erik's friend were talking to him. Erik's friend call him "Eclipse Boy". PAul didn't realize that the were making fun of what he did 2 weeks before school start. Paul soon realize that his brother had told him the story.
  • Erik And His Friends

    Paul thinks the Paige is going to be Erik girlfriend since Paige want to date a football player and Erik only want to date a cheerleaders. Paige is Arthur sister and Arthur is Erik friends and Paige is Tina friend. Tina is Arthur girlfriend.
  • Paul Want To Try Out For The Soccer Team

    Paul want to tryout for the boys soccer team so he made sure the all the things he need for tomorrow are the drawer in his room and not in a box.
  • Paul And Joey At Soccer Tryout

    Paul and Joey jogged together and Joey was talking about Tommy. Tommy was hitting the ball straight up in the air with his knees, feet and head and not letting it touch the floor. Gino is the Captain of the soccer team.
  • Mike Death

    Erik and Arthur told Erik's mother that Mike Costello is dead, he was killed at practice. He was standing there with on of his hand on the goalpost, leaning on it and then there was a crack and a flash and he went flying through the air and he landed on he back right there on the goal line.
  • Paul at soccer Practice

    Paul mind start to thinking about Joey and what he is going through and he wonder how it would be like in Joey's place. Paul said that he would safer and he would feel sorry i Erik Dead
  • A Meeting At Paul's House

    Paul's Dad and Mr. Bridges arranged to have a meeting at Paul's Dad house with Coach Warner and anyone else who want to come the meeting was at 7:45. They all take turn talking about how a great young man Mike was.
  • Paul Gets Kick Out Of The Soccer Team

    Gino ask Paul if he was Paul Fisher because the coach want to talk to him. The coach told Paul that he can't be in the soccer team because he was in the special program that was for visually handicapped .
  • Paul and Joey Go To Tangerine

    Mrs. Fisher drove Paul and Joey to Tangerine. They went to the Tangerine and Paul saw a group of guys with a soccer ball one of the guys want Paul ticket.
  • Paul Got Send To The Office

    Paul and a group of people were at the office because the teacher got a call from the Sheriff Department and said that they got a complaint from the owners of the carnival and said that it was a group of soccer players. Paul said that it was another group of people and that they were soccer players.
  • The Letter From Mrs. Gates

    Erik Fisher is soon to be the Famous placekicker. Erik just lost half of his audience.The newspaper had a letter from Mrs. Gates to all the middle school. That there was going to be a meeting at 7:30 in the high school gym.
  • Mrs. Fisher Try To Put Paul In A Private School

    Mrs Fisher was calling and trying to put Paul in a private school. the school she want to put Paul in was Catholic school. The boys at that school have to be wear blue pants, white shirts, and a blue ties.
  • Paul First Day Of School

    Theresa is the person who shows Paul around the school. Theresa has a brother that is in the soccer team. Paul ask if there was a soccer team and she said that there is a soccer team that is for girls and boys.
  • Paul Second Day Of School

    The soccer team leader doesn't want Paul in the soccer team. Victor think that Paul old school soccer team is a joke. Victor scored sixteen goals last year. Victor and his friends were at Vandalism jail.
  • They Are Making Fun Of Joey And Mike

    Paul told Joey that the were making fun of his brother Mike. They're making fun of Mike when his hair got burned off by the lightning. They are Making fun of Joey because he was trying to take his shoes off at the field.
  • Paul First Soccer Game

    Paul First soccer game is against Palmetto Middle School. Dolly Elias and a big guy they call Mano, were able to clear out ever ball that came close.
  • The First Day Of Football Season

    If was the first day of the Lake Windsor High Seagulls football season. It was a home game against the Cypress Bay High Cardinals. Erik was wearing his light blue helmet, white pants, and light blue jersey.
  • The Second Game Of The Season

    It was a home game Tangerine against Kinnow game Middle School. The wear black uniforms with silver letters. They won Tangerine last year. That what they told Paul.
  • Victor Can't Practice

    The coach didn't let Victor practice because of his stitches . Paul got put in his place in the soccer team. Victor return before before the soccer practice carrying a super big gulp from 7-Eleven.
  • The Man In The Van

    Victor thought that they were going to take picture of him but the man came to take a picture of the girls in the soccer team. The man ask if he can have the names of the girls that were in the soccer team. Mr.Donnelly give him the name and said that Shandra doesn't want to be part of the newspaper.
  • Joey Is Not On The Team

    Joey is not on the team anymore. He turn in his uniform in the morning. He said that he stink at soccer and that he is going to play football when he gets to college.
  • Joey went back to his old school

    Joey went to Lake Windsor Middle School to enrolled again. At practice Paul was put in Tino spot because Tino was suspended.
  • Tino Gets Suspended

    Joey moved groups because of a problem he had with Tino. The teacher call Tino out into the hallway then call Joey to the hallway. Joey return at he end of class but Tino didn't return. At soccer practice they said that Tino got suspended for three days.
  • There Has Been Robberies

    There is going to be a meeting at Paul house because there has been robberies. People are talking about making a watch patrol to catch the person that are doing that.
  • Mr. Donnelly Invitation

    Mr. Donnelly never return Mrs.Fisher phone calls or letter. Mr. Donnelly call Mr. Fisher and invited him over tonight to talk about Erik and the football team.Some people say that Erik is the most important to the team.
  • Paul Soccer Games

    Paul had his last home soccer game against Manatee middle school. They haven't won a game the whole year.Paul play against Palmetto middle school and it was 0 to 0 it was a tie.
  • The article

    In the article it said that Maya has scored more than most of the soccer team in the country. The total score for Tangerine middle school is 52 goals.
  • The last year game

    Henry told Paul about the last year soccer game against Lake Windsor. Henry said that Lake Windsor won them last year.It was 4 to 1. The last year game was home in Tangerine.
  • Project At Paul's House

    Paul and the groups went to the great room and work on the project. When they were done they went outside and mad a circle and kick the soccer ball around then the took turn shooting at Paul.Erik punch Tino and Tino was just laying on the grass. Erik hit hi m because Tino was making fun of him.
  • Tino And Teresa Are Absent

    Paul was to sacred to ask his dad if he has seen what Erik did to Tino, so Paul didn't say a work to his dad or mom. Tino and Theresa were absent and Paul was trying to avoid Henry. When Paul's mom pick him up from Tangerine and on the way Paul did't say a word to her. aAul wonder what could his mother do about it.
  • Thankgiving

    It was thanksgiving and Paul was spending it was his Grandmom and Grandpop. Mr. Fisher thought that they can drive to Florida to see Mickey Mouse and not see their own grandson play football.Mom is trying to get the key from Erik but he left in this locker that is at school. Then at school Paul and Tino were talking and Tino was thanking him for helping me last night. PAul ask if he as mad at him for what happen with his brother and Tino said that he was not mad.
  • The Newspaper

    Paul woke up and went to the kitchen Paul was finishing up a turkey sandwich when he heard the newspaper plopping into their driveway. When Paul got the newspaper His dad walk in the kitchen and got a cup of coffee.Mr. Frish said that the Baylor kid ruined it. PAul went to the page were all the country soccer team was and He was supposed to heard that his dad ask if he was in the page.
  • Paul thought

    In the morning Paul thought "Erik and Arthur have no idea at this moment, that they're going to face Luis again in the afternoon''.He also that about the in the afternoon.Paul sat down a thought' Could it still happen to Erik and Arthur?When?How?" Paul thought i can happen again on Friday.
  • Luis is dead

    When Tino and Theresa went to go pick up Luis , but Luis never came out so Theresa call their dad and he went to the gove and found Luis lying there. Their father call 911 he said that Lius had been dead for hours. The Sheriff said that he was not murder they said that it could have been an aneurysm.
  • Paul Can Not Go To Luis Funeral

    Paul got a phone call from Theresa saying to not go to luis funeral because Victor and Tino and some guys are saying some bad stuff. Paul thinks they know what happen to Luis and that he might of told people. Paul went to a pound at look at it then a little boy came with a red bike and said that there was a gator in that pound and the last year it ate a little kid. Paul told the little kid that all of the the story that his mom told him are fake and if he ever meet the people.
  • Paul Suit

    Paul was wearing a blue suit that he had worn to Mike funeral this time he wear it without a shirt, socks, or shoes he walk out to a gray wall he had no idea what he was going to do.He stood there for a while looking at the floor. He got down on his knees like a idiot. He feels like Luis is apart of him. Paul threw his suit to the garbage.
  • At the Senior Awards

    Joey call Paul and ask if he was alright and he also said that everyone was asking about Paul at Joey's party. By 6 clock Paul got ready to go to Senior Awards Night. The laurel oak would be planted in Mike name. The tree was about 15 feet tall.
  • At Mr. Donnelly House

    Joey called Paul and told him that Betty Bright was at Mr. Bonnelly house. Paul got on his bike and went to Mr. Donnelly house and saw Sharnda on the passenger set. She said the coach Bright and Antoine were in there talking to Mr. Donnelly. Antoine didn't go to get his awards because he was feeling sick.
  • The phone call

    Paul house phone started to ring and Mr. Fisher answer and heard the bad news from a football dad. Paul was reading the article with the headline " Star quarterback Antoine Thomas leaves the emergency meeting of the Tangerine Country Sports Commission."
  • Paul And Theresa

    Paul and Theresa had to stay in the hallway while Mrs. Fisher, Tino and Victor went inside to talk. Paul didn't see them go in so he was surprise they were there. Paul and Theresa where standing there for a minute and didn't say a word. Paul give her the project because he had finish it. Theresa was looking at the Tittle she had tears in her eyes.
  • Erik and Arthur

    Mr. Fisher had to take Erik to the police station. When they got back Mr. Fisher went to got tell Paul and Mrs. Fisher that Arthur it blaming Erik. He also said that Arthur and Erik have no friends since they start round the stolen jewelry.
  • On The Way To SChool

    Paul got in his blue pans, white shirt, blue tie, black socks, and black shoes. Paul was surprise that his mom said "Paul we've talked about it and we've decided that your father will drive you to St Anthony's today". On the way they past Mike tree and Mr. Fisher point that out.