tangerine by natalie hernandez

  • Move to texas to florida

    Move to texas to florida
    Paul was on his way to florida from Texas. Before he left, his imagination of a zombie following him representing that he was part of the family and that problems follow you no matter where you go.
  • Musk Fire

    Musk Fire
    Paul and his mother find out that they have muck fire around their house by the fire department because in the morning Paul smelled smoke and warned his mom about it. Later that same day Paul went out in his bike and when he got home he saw his mother talking to Mr. Costello.
  • Lake Windsor Middle School tour.

    Lake Windsor Middle School tour.
    Paul and his mother went to the campuses of Lake Windsor High School and Lake Windsor Middle School. When they got there, they went to check out the middle school where they met with the principal Mrs. Gates. She gave them a tour of the middle school.Paul asked if there was a soccer team and there was.
  • Soccer

    Paul and his family went to watch the tryouts for football, even though Erik didn't have to try out. After a while it started to rain and his mom pointed it out and told Pul to get in the car. While in the car She noticed that there was a soccer team and told Paul to join them and he did. Joey asked him if hes going to try out and he is.
  • First Day Of Middle School

    First Day Of Middle School
    While Paul was waiting for the school bus he remembered when it was his first time riding the bus and while standing in line Erik and his friends made fun of him and called him "Eclipse boy" because Erik made up a rumor that he looked up into the Eklips. Once he got to school he went to his first class and the teacher we exited but the kids weren't. when he went to his the hall was crowded and his teacher didn't seem to smile.
  • Erik

    While Paul was on the computer he could hear Erik kicking the football into the net. Arthur had a sister and Paul knew she was going to be Erik's girlfriend. Erik and Paul would hang out with Arthur's sister (Paige) whos a cheerleader and her friend Tine (Arthur's girlfriend) who is also a cheerleader. At dinner Erik's mom always asking about them and knowing more about them.
  • Lightning House

    Lightning House
    When Paul and his mom went to the storage place and finally put the things where they go Paul's mom said that he should run with joey. When they got home Paul called him and he agreed about it. Once they started to run Joey pointed out to a house that got hit by lightning three times. Paul told Joey that right before they build the house lighting always hit there.
  • Time To Impress

    Time To Impress
    After sixth period Paul went jogging with Joey. Once they were done jogging Joey told Paul all about the kids in soccer. Once the couch came out (Mr. Walski) he told the kids that only 15 would go to away games and are on the real team and 14 kids aren't. When Paul went to go put on his goggles a kid made fun of him and Paul showed him how good he is and that kid was impressed
  • Mike's Death

    Mike's Death
    Paul and his mom got home from the store. As they where putting the groceries bags in the garage Erik and Arthur pulled up and told them that Mike died. Paul and his mother didn't know what to do. Erik told them the story of how it happened. Once they stopped Paul went to the kitchen and heard Erik and Arthur laughing about Mike's death.
  • Sad Thoughts

    Sad Thoughts
    Paul's mom thought that they where going to cancel school because of Mike's death but, it turned out that they didn't. During school Paul saw that instead Arthur took Mike's place in football. Paul was thinking how Joey was felling and how he would feel if he lost Erik.
  • The Meeting

    The Meeting
    Paul's mom invited the parent's from the football team to come over at their house. Once every one came, Paul's mom said that they should have practice in the morning but the couch said that they should just have practice at the same time they always do. By the end a parent said that he would car pool kids who would need a ride even if its at 6:30. All the parents said it was fine with them.
  • Kicked Out

    Kicked Out
    While Paul was handling shots, Gino ran to him and told him that couch wants to talk to him. One his way there Paul thought that couch was going to say that he was doing great but, it turned out that Paul can't play anymore. Paul told his mom what happened and that it was her fault because she wrote on the paper that he can't see good.
    Later that day his Paul and his parents went to the funeral for Mike. While he was there Joey asked if he wanted to go to the carnival tomorrow.
  • The Carnival

    The Carnival
    Paul's mom was able to take Joey and him to the carnival. Once they got there they meet up with a group of friends. The first thing they did was go into a freak show. No one really liked it except for Paul. While he was reading about "the bot who never grew" he realized that everyone was gone. Out he got out and noticed that they were in the Ferris wheel. Once it got to 7:00 Paul's mom was waiting for them and he was waiting for Joey.
  • The SinkHole

    The SinkHole
    During school Paul had to go to the princibal's office because someone from a soccer team vandalized one of the exhibits. One they found out who it was Paul and Joey walked to class but, As they were talking they heard a noise and more loud noises. Paul thought it was an earth quick but it turned out to be a sinkhole! Paul and Joey started to help his class out of the class.
    Later that day the news was talking about the sinkhole. Paul felt like a hero, for once he wan't scared.
  • School Gone

    School Gone
    Paul heard that the 6th grader's where going to have to go to school on Thursday and what was gone from the school. The high school bulding turned out to be fine. Paul noticed that Erik lost half of his audience scene half of the football stadium was gone.
  • Mr. Fishers New Job

    Mr. Fishers New Job
    Paul's dad didn't tell him family that he got a job offer or about Old Charley. Paul found this on Eyewitness team narrator. Paul's dad told him that he was be "tarred with the same brush".
  • The Plan

    The Plan
    Paul's mom was calling a catholic school to see if Paul can get in even though they aren't catholic. Paul and his parents went to the meeting at school to see what the plan was going to be. The principal told all the parents that the eighth graders where going to squeeze in, also with the seventh graders. At the end Paul told his parents that he wants to go to Tangerine Middle school.
  • Different School

    Different School
    It was Paul's first day at Tangerine Middle School. At first Paul noticed that the thing that is different in Tangerine and Lak Willow. He went to the second floor where he met the principle and met Theresa. She showed him to all his classes but, she doesn't talk much until Paul asked about soccer. It turned out that the boys from the carnival!
  • Practice

    During Lunch Paul and Theresa where sitting together. Then Victor who was head of the soccer team came up to then. Victor told them that Paul was lucky that he and his friends were in jail. Paul then noticed that they were the ones from the carnival. At practice couch told him to be goalie and once Victor hit the ball, Paul caught the ball.
  • Erik And Arthur

    Erik And Arthur
    As Joey and Paul got their uniform they went to Paul's house. As they were talking in the backyard, Arthur and Erik came in and started making fun of Joey because of his brother and when Joey wanted to talk Mikes shoes off. At first he didn't know what they were taking about but then Paul told him. Paul told him that he should go to Tangerine and right before Joey left he said he will think about it.
  • Paul's first Game

    Paul's  first Game
    It was Paul's first game with the team. When they got to the school they were going agents, their fans where booing at them while they were doing their warm ups. Once they started playing one kid got hurt and Paul had to go in. Victor started yelling and by the end of the game they won. Back in the bus Victor told Paul that if he's going to be in the team then he has to play.
    When he got home Joey called him and told him that starting Monday he is going to Tangerine MIddlle school.
  • Erik's First Game

    Erik's First Game
    It was Erik's first game. At first the both teams were 0-0. Later on the score was 7-6 and when it was Erik big chance to kick the ball and win the game, Antoine was holding ball while Erik was getting ready to kick the ball. when he was about to kick it Antoine pulled back the ball at the last second making Erik fall down on the mud and winning the game. When they got home they watched the news and the sports new replaid the scence where Erik fell and his parents told him to laugh but he can't.
  • The Second Game

    The Second Game
    It was Paul's second game. He noticed that his parents weren't at his game. He was standing in the sideline with Joey, when it was halftime their team was winning but Victor was bleeding so couch put Paul in and made one goal. At the end they won and Victor was proud.
    Later that day Paul got home and talked with grandma and his mom took over and went to his room. After a bit she went up staris and gave the phone to him saying it was a girl (Cara) asking if he was going out with someone.
  • Joey

    At practice Paul had to replace Victor because of his stitches. After practice Victor stared picking on Joey because he always followed Paul every where. After practice Paul's mom picked them up but, while on the way to drop off Joey he was quite the hole ride. They found out that his hole neighbor hood was full with bugs and Paul's mom said that he can come over anytime but Paul knew he wasn't going to go because of what happened last time with Erik.
  • Girls In A Soccer Team

    Girls In A Soccer Team
    At practice Joey wasn't there but the "tangerine time" was. Every one stopped what they were doing and looked over at the van. There was a man with a camera and Victor and the rest of the boys got to me in a picture. After that Mr. Donnelly asked couch if he can speak with the two girls who were in the team. After that Paul saw that on the Tangerine Time was a picture of Maya saying that she leads all scores in Tangerine Country.
  • The Project

    The Project
    In scince class they were doing a project and Paul didn't want to be a "left over" so he got in a group with Henry D, Tino and Theresa. They said it was cool for Paul and Joey to be in the group but Joey didn't. Joey told Paul that hes not in the soccer team and once he gets into high school hes going to play football.
  • Joey Leaves

    Joey Leaves
    Paul and Joey and the other people on the group started to wok on the project. After a while when theriza explained what they have to do Joey said the he can written a part down. She said that they use a typewrriters instread of cumputers. Tino started to yell at Joey yelled back. He left the group and told Paul that he's scared of them and he's not. Joey said something to Tino which made him made and He punched Joey but, he missed. At the end Tino was suspendeed.
  • The Meeting

    The Meeting
    At home Paul was doing his homework when his mother told him that he should work upstairs because there was going to be a meeting with the Homeowners Association. Once they came Paul was still doing his work but once Mr. Costello started talking he turned around and listen. They were talking about the robberies and the termes.
  • The Vision

    The Vision
    Paul told Theresa that Joey wasn't going to come back to school ever again because he's going back to his old school where he fit in better. She invited him to her house and Henry was going to meet u with Luis. Henry said he can give him a ride and once they got to the house they started to talk. One Paul got back home Paul saw Erik playing but he couldn't see him but once he got his glasses he did.
  • Paul's Family

    Paul's Family
    Everyone In Paul's family have been busy. Dad is now Director pf Civil Engineering for Tangerine Country. Mom is he head of the Architectural Committee. Erik was on Tangerine Times sport and everyone thinks they know who he really is. For Paul, no one really knew that he was on the war Eagles and have won seven games in a row and he played in every game but, he was proud.
  • Work

    Pal asked his mom if he could go back to Luis's house because lat time he said he that Paul was invited anytime. So, he did but, his mom thought that he shouldn't but she still droped him off. When he there they started to work and talked.At the end of the day he called his mom and Tino and Paul started to talk. Paul told him that he was the one who got him in trouble at the fair.
  • Dinner with Mr.Donnelly

    Dinner with Mr.Donnelly
    Mr.Donnelly invited Paul’s dad and his family because he wanted to meet Erik in person scence Mr.Paul always talk about him. Erik went with Aruther on a ride and back Paul and his parents went walking. Once they got their Erik was already their.
  • No Game

    No Game
    It was Paul's Last game. They were against manatee which was an easy team to win. Paul made a point by hitting the ball in with his head. The other team seemed scared, as they were heading back to their places Paul noticed that the sky was getting stormy and when it started to rain they went back to the building and scene it was raining hard all the points they won, they didn't count.
  • The War Egales

    The War Egales
    Paul saw that his soccer team was on the from page of "Tangerine Time". The Article started off with how many games they had won the hole time. Paul stated to think if Betty was going to get mad because her photo was photoshop.
  • The Game

    The Game
    It was Paul's game going against his old school, Lake Windsor Middle School. While the game Victor got out of the game because a kid from Lake Windsor punched him. The couch told Paul to go in but, then Shandra who was the goalie vomited and the couch told Paul to go in. At the end of the game they won!
  • The Bully

     The Bully
    Henry D, Theresa, and Tino went to Paul's house to work on the science project. They didn't take long to finish, they had a half hour so they decided to play soccer. As they were playing Erik and Arthur came and started making fun of them.Paul told them to ignore them but Tino didn't and he started to tell Erik about when he slipped and Erik punched Tino. Paul told him to come in but instead they all left and Paul started to think what he should have done.
  • Hide

    Paul's mom had to go to a meeting about Erik because his grades have slipped. She told Paul that he should watch his brother during his practice. Paul went but, he hid under the bleachers to watch them. While he was hiding they all ready finished practice and Paul noticed a car which was Luis's. He got out of the car and started to look for Erik because he punched his brother. When he stopped yelling at him Arthur punched him and every one around left laughing about what just happened.
  • Freezing Help

    Freezing Help
    At school most of the kids were gone because of the cold. Paul told Henry D. if his brother could take them to Tino to his house to help them with the tree. When they got there they started to help them. When it was around 2:00 they went back inside because it started to get more cold. Paul told Luis what he saw at Erik's practice and Luis told him that he shouldn't be afraid of Erik and Arthur.
  • The Cold

    The Cold
    When Paul woke up he went to the living room and he heard the news paper so he went outside to get it, witch was Times. He started to read it when his dad came in and asked him if he was in the soccer team. Paul got mad because his dad didn't know how many times he's played. His mom came in and told Paul to go outside because someone ruined their mailbox. When he went outside he fainted and his dad carried him inside and his mom blamed herself because she forgot that Paul had a cold.
  • The Meeting

    The Meeting
    Paul was thinking if Luis and Erik were going to talk but when he saw Erik that day he seemed fine, like nothing ever happened. Paul then got a phone call from Kerri and she asked him if he would like to be her date for when they go to Joey's house after the ceremony. Their was a meeting talking about the freeze and how it helped with the mosquitoes and the termites. They then started to talk abut the robberies and who is stealing the Koi fish.
  • Luis's Death

    Luis's Death
    When Pal went to school Henry D. told him that Luis is dead. He told Paul the hole story of how he was found and that he died by aneurysm. Paul then called him mom because he was sick and when he got home he went online and searched up " aneurysm" and saw that people who get it can die from it and it would take day, weeks or month to die from it. Paul knew that Arthur killed him when he him Luis with the blackjack and took him six days to die.
  • The Pond

    The Pond
    Paul got a phone call from theresa and telling him to not go to Luis's funeral. After that call Paul started to think if she knew how Luis died. Paul went to the pond and a little kid got him mad because me made Paul think about his parents and his life
  • Different

    When Pauls mom left he put on his blue suit, the one he wore at Mike Costello's. He went down stairs to the backyard and he started to think about Luis and how he barley knew him. Paul started to feel like Luis was a part of him.
  • The Award

    The Award
    It was the Senior Awards Night at Lake Windsor High School. When Paul and his parents arrived at the school they were still setting up things.The seniors mover the oak tree that feel and after they moved the tree Paul went to go help clean up. While he was cleaning Paul saw Tino and Victor standing and saw Tino kick Erik in the face!
  • The Truth

    The Truth
    Paul was riding his bike to Mr.Donnelly's house. When Paul got to his house he saw a car and inside the car he saw shandra. They started to talk until the couch came out and he brother, Anthoine. When they left Mr. Donnelly came out and almost ran over paul with his car but Paul moved just in time.Mr. Donnelly asked Paul if couch and Antonie told him what they were talking about and that Paul was going to have to find out in tomorrow's paper.
  • The Visit

    The Visit
    Paul was waiting for the newspaper to come. When he finally got it the phone rang and his dad picked it up and he knew it was about the news.
    Later that day his parents had a meeting about the robberies and how Erik and Arthur were the ones who were stealing. Joey call paul that the police was n front of Arthur's house and Paul told him that he was at his house.When the police came everyone was looking at him when he's getting arrested for killing Luis. Paul told the police how he did it.
  • Surprised

    Paul and his mom went to school early and when they got their they went to the font office and Dr.Johnson told Paul to wait outside until he can go in. After a while he went in side and Dr.Johnson told him to wait inside the nures office with Tino and Victor. The nurse pulled out one by one and when it was Paul's turn he found out that he's going to have to move to a diffrent school. When his mom and hi went out people were looking at him and started to shake his hand.
  • The Truth

    The Truth
    Paul's dad and Erik went to the police station to talk to Sergeant Rojas. When they got home dad explained to them how Author was trying to blame Erik for what he did. He asked Paul if he can write one or two paragraph about the truth and what he saw. He agreed to do it and then the phone rang and he went to go pick it up and it was Tino.
    Later that day Paul was writing the paragraph about Luis and how a lot of people liked him but, once he got to Erik it was hard for him.
  • Take Three

    Take Three
    In the morning Paul was wearing his uniform clothes and when he went down stairs his mom told him that his dad was going to take him to school. While heading to his new school his dad pointed out Mike's tree and Paul started to think about Luis and how had many tress.