
Switch Hitter Timeline for English

  • Start of the book

    Start of the book
    Derek Jeter and his family drive back from their grandma's house in New Jersey.
  • Derek makes the travel baseball team.

    Derek finds out after the tryout that he had made the team. He was very happy about this and can't wait for their first practice.
  • Derek twists his ankle on the stairs running to get his basketball uniform.

    Derek is running to the gym to get his basketball uniform. He is is a rush so he doesn't miss the bus. Because of this he misses a stair and twist his ankle.
  • Derek starts School Again

    Derek finds out that his teacher is very strict and has them doing a lot of work for his class.
  • Derek finds out that he has to do a debate against his enemy Gary.

    Derek's teacher tells them that they have to do a debate against Gary. Derek is scared of public speaking so this is very hard for him. He has to do a lot of prep for this and he doesn't know when he will have the time to study and practice.
  • Derek Asks his parents if he could play travel baseball.

    Derek is at the diner table with his family and after his mom said yes to Derek's sister doing karate. His mom ends up saying yes to him trying out. She also says that it is going to be a lot for him to juggle with also playing and being a leader for his school basketball team.
  • Derek try's to play though his ankle at a basketball game.

    Derek doesn't tell anybody about his ankle. In his basketball game for his school, he jumps up for a rebound and comes down on his ankle. He feels a sharp pain in his ankle and has to be carried off of the court.
  • Period: to

    Derek is sidelined

    Derek is sidelined because of his injury. He is not able to play for four weeks. This includes his baseball travel team's first scrimmage.
  • Derek plays for the first time in basketball

    Derek plays for the first time in basketball
    Derek's coach sits Derek for most of the game, but he still play's.
  • Derek play's in his first travel team scrimmage

    Derek play's in his first travel team scrimmage
    Derek make's some great plays at shortstop and has a inside the park homerun. He also has a double.
  • Derek's basketball team clinches the playoffs.

    Derek's basketball team clinches the playoffs.
    Derek's team needed one more win to clinch the playoff's and they get that win. After the game Derek, Vijay, Avery, and Derek's Family go out for sundaes at the local dairy queen.
  • End of the Book

    Derek, Vijay, and Avery are going to go out bowling that weekend. That is how the book ends.