Story of Us

  • Jan 1, 1095


    The Crusades were a series of Holy Wars between Christians(Catholics) and Muslims. Both were trying to claim Jerusalem or the "Holy Land". There were ten crusades and one crusade that involved children. This is an important event because the Christians and Muslims both wanted Jerusalem. Christians wanted Jerusalem because that's were Jesus was crusified. Musilms did it because that's where Muhammad had gone into heavem.
  • Jan 1, 1340

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death was not like any other disease. The Black Death was caused by rats, poop, etc. And it nearly killed all of the people in Europe. It killed 1/3 and many people didn't know what to do. And in today's society there is only one song which is called Ring Around the Rosey. This is extremely because many people had died from the Black Death and there is Ring Around the Rosey that bacicaly describing what had happen
  • Jan 1, 1460

    Vasco da Gama's Voyage

    Vasco da Gama's Voyage
    Vasco da Gama made his voyage to also reached India. He also made his way to South America. But soon reached India a few moths later. And also became the first European to reach India.
  • Jan 1, 1483

    Martin Luther Becomes a Monk

    Martin Luther Becomes a Monk
    Martin Luther was just like any other ordinary person. But he wasn't that ordinary. He had left home but also had got caught in a thunderstorm. He prayed to God saying "If I live through this night than I will become a Monk". He survived the night and kept his promise This is important because Martin Luther was a strange but ordinary person there was. And from what had happened to him he kept his promise to God.
  • Jan 1, 1487

    Dias' Voyage

    Dias' Voyage
    BartocomelDias made a voyage to find a route to India. Dias wanted to be the first European to reach India but only made it to the tip os South America. And only half way succeded. This is important because Dias wanted to be the first European to get to India. And only made it to South America which soon other explores soon started
  • Jan 1, 1515

    Ponce de Leon Explores Forida

    Ponce de Leon Explores Forida
    There was a famous european explorer called Ponce de Leon. Like other European exploreres he was claiming land for his country. Ponce de Leon had landed on the shores on mondern day Florida. As he saw there were beautiful flowers in the grass and soon called it the Land of Beauty This is very important because de Leon had landed on mondern day Florida and soon other explorers had gone to North America had made their colonies on the land that they claimed.
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Posting of 95 Theses

    Posting of 95 Theses
    After Martin Luther became a Monk he had gone to places where he had felt both the Bible and the Catholic Church had disagreed. Before he had did this he had rejoined the church to teach. But soon he after going to the places he made his 95 theses and posted them on the church door. This is important because as Martin Luther became a monk he gone and written his 95 theses and that soon started and soon started the Reformation.
  • Jan 1, 1521

    Cortez Defeats the Aztecs

    Cortez Defeats the Aztecs
    A spanish explorer called Cortaz gone and founded Mexico. There he soon founded the powerful indian tribe called the Aztecs. The Aztecs worshiped Cortez as their god. But allCortezwanted was their riches and killed them all' This is important because Cortez had founded more land for Spain and was very greedy because allhe wanted was the Aztecs riches and their gold.
  • Jan 1, 1521

    Martin Luther is Excommunicated

    Martin Luther is Excommunicated
    Martin Luther had became excommunicated from the Catholic Church. The Pope had asked Martin Luther to take down his theses but he had refused. Martin Luther didn't want to become excommunicated but also didn't want to give up on what he had believed in. As Martin Luther refused the battle between the Pope and Martin Luther had just begun. This is important because this was how the Reformation began and as it happened Martin Luther had soon gotten people to follow him.
  • Roanoke Colonization Attempt

    Roanoke Colonization Attempt
    The British tried to get more land and power like Spain, France, and Portagual. The British sent buissness men, women, and children to start a colony. This colony was caed Roanoke. he man who governed Roanoke left and fought in a war in Britian. hen he had returned everyone was gone. Only a word was left on a tree saying Croaton/ This is important because it was the first colony attempt the British had ever made. And also it is a mystery on what had happened to the people in the colony.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was the first permanent British settlement in America. It was first governed by John Rolle who had left Jamestown to trade with indian tribes. Many people in Jamestown which almost became a ghost townlike Roanoke. But John Rolle had came back with other things which helped the colony This is very important in American history because it was the first permanent colony the British ever made. And also almost became a ghost town.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Bacon was a simple man like any other person was and also lived South. He soon didn't like the way things were going on.So he had soon started a rebellion that would change the South in America. This is important because as time passedby Bacon wanted tochange the ay things were and did.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    The Salem Witch Trials began back in 1692 in Pymouth, Massachusetts. There were three young girls who were actingvery strange. Soon people started to accuse one another for being a witch. This happened for months and no one trusted anyone because of whathappened to the three girls. This is very important in American and Plymouth, Massachusetts because three young girls were believed to be cursed and that spreaded out panic.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian War began in 1754 and involved both the French and the British. The French had many indian tribes as allies. As the British had only one indian tribe as an ally. Soon close to the end of the war the indian tribes on the side of the French gone to the side of the British This is important in American history because both the French and the British were both expanding their terittoties until they tried to clamthe same land. When ths happened they ddn't lke ths and soon war.
  • Treaty of Paris 1763

    Treaty of Paris 1763
    The Treaty of Paris had soon ended the French and Indian war n 1763.The French had lost al of their terittory except the one in Canada. The British got all of the French's terittory and the indian tribes got nothing. As this happened the Indians had nothing and left. This is important in history because the French got nohing as the British got all of their land. The indians got nothin and felt mistreated.
  • Creation of Sons of Liberty

    Creation of Sons of Liberty
    The Creation of the Sons of Liberty was made up by a group of mobs, sales men, and taxes payers (but the ones that were loyal to the British). The Sons of Liberty scared the British by using threats. Not only that but the Sons of Liberty also started a riot and chaos happened. This is important because the colonists got tired of the British running their lives and so the Sons of Liberty was made and took matters into their own hands.
  • The Boston Massacare

    The Boston Massacare
    The Boston Massacare happened in the middle of the night on the same night when the Sons of Liberty started the riot. As this happened the British started firing at both the Sons of Liberty and innocent people. The Sons of Liberty fought back by using clubs, throwing snowballs, throwing bricks, and throwing bricks that were in snowballs. This is dangerously important because the British fired and killed many innocent people and also fired at the Sons of Liberty. Many people got killed or shoot
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party began also at the middle of the night and also caused by the Sons of Liberty after the Boston Massacare. The Sons of Liberty or Patriots got one a British ship and dumed out all of the British tea onto the harbor. As this happened the British never knew and was also a succsec to the Sons of Liberty. This is important because the Sons of Liberty gone out in the middle of the night and dumped out the tea on the British ship.
  • 1st Continental Congress

    1st Continental Congress
    The 1st Continental Congress first met at Pennsylvainne. There they discused about issues in the thirteen colonies and about becoming an Indepentent country. As they did they also had no one to repersent the colonies. They also argued over the issues that were happening. This is important in U.S. history because the 1st Continental Congress had basically decided our country's fate and we soon gone to war with Britian to gain our Independece.
  • 2nd Continental Congress

    2nd Continental Congress
    The 2nd Continental Congress had met in Philidelphia and continued to discuss the issues and the war against Britian. Also they soon made adn singed the Constitution. But New York, Delaware, and a few other states couldn't vote because they either couldn't decide or said no. This is important in U.S. history because this is when the 2nd Continental Congress have decided our country's fate and made our rights and made the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
  • Winter of Valley Forge

    Winter of Valley Forge
    The winter of Valley Forge was not very pleasent. The winter was very cold and also the valley was close to Pennsylvannia but far from any suprise attack. As winter went on soldier began to leave the army but one man encouraged the army again. His name was van Schewben. He trained the army and taught them new skills. This is important in the war because Gen. Washington's army spent the whole winter at Valley Forge and nearly died.nBut van Schewben encouraged the army to stay and fight.
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    Treaty of Paris 1783
    The Treaty of Paris had ended the war between Britian and America. After it was signed America got it's Independence. But Britian never recognized that America was an Indepentent country. Soon both France and Spain saw that America was an Indepent country and soon became America's first two allies. This is very important in the war because both France and Spain both recognized America as a free country and became America's frist allies .
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war of 1812 was when the British tried to restrict America for declaring Independence. The war began on June of 1812. Then on September 10,1813 the Patriots fought and won against the British navy. On August 24,1814 the British gone to Chesapealee Bay and had over powered the U.S. Mitila and attacked and destroyed Washington D.C. Everything in Washington was set on fire and burned to ashes. This is very very important in U.S. history because we as Patriots again fought against the Britsh.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The Trail of Tears was a trail that the Indians had waled and died on. The last Indian tribe to walk the Trail of Tears were the Cherokee. Just like the other Indian Tribes they didn't want to leave their land. But they were forced to leave even after they took it to the U.S. Supreme Court. This is a very painfully important because the Indian Tribes that didn't want to leave their homes. But were basically forced to. They were also forced to walk the whole way.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    The Oregon Trail began in 1843. Pioneers were traveling from East to West and wanted to have their own land. Soon more and more pioneers were traveling West on the same trail. And it soon became known as the Oregon Trail. This is very important in this part of our history because people had began to travel west after hearing about the Lewis and Clark Expedition. And also if peole never traveled west than we wouldn't have the other states that we do today
  • Donner Party

    Donner Party
    The Donner Party was a group of pioneers that were trying to get to California like other pioneers were. They reached the mountains and had taken a shortcut. But the shortcut had added more days than they thought it would. They soon got stuck in the mountains and most of the Donner Party died. And also most of the Donner Party's bodies were never found. This is deadly important because the few survivors of the Doner Party were found and warned others not to take the shortcut.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The California Gold Rush happened back in 1848.when word got out that gold was discovered in California. Thousands of people called 49ers gone to California to get Gold. This was huge for many people and many came to get their fairshare of gold. This is a huge event in our history because many were influenced by gold and many wanted thier fair share. And also wanted to be very very rich.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    The battle of Shiloh happened in Tess where 24,000 men were killed.
    Gen.S.Grant had taken the West and showed great Military Potential.
    He did this because he also wanted a United country and fought for it. This is important because Gen.Grant had taken the West which it was also called the War in the West. Also just like Lincoln Grant wanted a country that was United not Divided.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    The Battle of Antietam was a very bloody battle in the war. On September 17,1862 it was Gen.E.Lee against Gen.McCellan. After this bloody battle Gen.E.Lee and his men had retreated.This was a major victory for the Union Army. This is very important because this was called the War in the East. After this battle Gen.McCellan had won against Gen.E.Lee. Who had reteated in defeat
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of Gettysburg was a very very bloody battle in U.S. history. Gen.E.Lee was trying to take the hill that Gen.Chamberlin had secured. On the third and final day Gen.Pickett had tried to attack the ridge but ended up retreating in defeatwhich was a turning point in the whole war. This is very very bloody important because many soldier had died at Gettysburg but the tide had turned over to the Union army and soon won the bloodiest battle in U.S. history.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    The Battle of Vicksburs happened at the Mississipi. And it was Gen.Pembrook siege a city preventing anything from getting in or out. But soon turned into a victroy for Gen.Grant as he took back the city. And Gen. Pembrook and his men left in defeat. This battle is important because Gen.Pembrook had lost to Gen.Grant and lost the city he had siege.
  • Gettysburg Adress

    Gettysburg Adress
    The Gettysburg Adress was given on November 3,1863 by Abraham the Gettysburg cemeteryLincoln wanted the country to be United and wanted to end the war peacfully. He also gave a very important speech and soon made the changes that the country needed. This is very speechfully important because President Lincoln goes to Gettysburg and gives a very heart changing speech.