stone, Arthur .m.

  • Period: to


  • Recieving

    facts about the churches Arthur had written to his mother and while he was in the Camp Fort Lyon had recieved a Congregationalist it meant that he was a member of the church He has received two in one day he had recived Springfield Republican he was proud of his self.
  • The company went down

    The company went down
    Company going down
    Aruthers company went down there was a big rain coming dow when the comany went down they called it the virginia shower. It was a pretty bad battle probably the severeist battle they had yet. This was located in the Camp Worcester.
  • No food but little

    No food but little
    soliders having little foodAlmost three weeks the soliders did not have any food but hard break and coffee but little meat. That is all they could provde for the soliders until they have gotten better food.
  • The Great Battle

    The Great Battle
    The great fight of the past week between McClennan and Jackson. Arthur was fighting during it he did not get wounded once but the general was suffering. After the great war the general was not in good shape and the men were thinking about a replacement.
  • Package

    [interesting things about the civil war pakages](rebel Brigadier)
    Arthurs mother had sent him a good package but the Cayennee pepper ruined most of the food she sent him it got on the doughnuts and the ginger snaps but he still ate the food because he had no better food choice
  • Fort Lyon

    Fort Lyon
    Arthur has moved to Fort Lyon, the crew is stregthing the Fort by adding more guns and the regimants which was part of the amry it was a unit of people working for the army and while they had to do that the other part of the crew had to dig out rifling pits all along the hill.
  • snow storm

    snow storm
    Weather climate around the 1800s
    A big snowstrom hit arthur and his crew while they were in Alexandria Va, about four inches snowed it blew and melted in the same day. But over night the ground frozen and the boys had to do there best by what supplies they had.
  • Sergt. sick

    Sergt. sick
    all the sicknesses in the civil war
    Arthur was writing to his mother and he mentioned how the sergt. his position was writing. the Sergt so far has been sick for two months, He has a bad cough and has raised some blood the soilders think it is consumption but they are not so sure.
  • Fourth of july

    Fourth of july
    intersting facts about fourth of july
    There were alot of german officers in Fort Lyon, Because i was fourth of july and they wanted to make sure nothing bad happened but when all the amrys and everybody was down there they had beer to drink but some of the guys could not handle there drinks. Arthur was sober for the night and stayed that way the whloe night.
  • Small pocks

    Small pocks
    Small pox hostpitals in civil war
    When Arthur was writing to his mother he had mentioned that one of the servants had caught the small poxs and the General sent all of the servants and the people working for them because he did not want the small poxs to spread.
  • Dog Collars and a new Haircut

    Dog Collars and a new Haircut
    Dog tags
    Arthur was writing to his mother and wanted to let her know that he had gotten an hairct and had a new object to wear on the soliders neck. The boys called them dog collars they were for the neck of the soider and was suppose to hold up the soliders head. What was printed on the dog tag was Captain Bacons dog
  • Pay check

    Pay check
    Soliders pay
    Arthur had gotten his pay check, all the soliders were paid a Four month pay. Arthur had put 30 Dollars into a invelope and had sent it to his two sons and his mother he said he might send some more after he if finifhing stocking up and fixing his boots.
  • Buildings

    Arthur and his crew are having to do construction They dont care were the roads run they just have to build were it is nessacarey and make the roads run to it. The houses are good looking in Camp near Fort Ramsay on uptown hill.
  • Moving on

    Moving on
    facts about Virginia
    Arthur has moved to a new destination He was writing to his mother and have complimented the picture he got from Uncle Lyman in his sherrif uniform but while he was writing it was raining pretty hard the rain kept dripping on the letters but for the past couple days there has been some hard rains hitting Harpers Ferry Virginia.
  • Company E

    Company E
    facts about petersburgStone arthur had served for the comapny E, it was located in Massachusetts , spent most of his time fighting the civil war with Petersburg for that year.
  • Reenlisted

    Soldiers getting re-enlisted
    Arthur was writing to his mother and he had told her that he have re-enlist and as long with 40 men in the coany has agreed to re-enlist. The soldiers get 725 dollars and furlough for 30 days it was included in the terms and services. They were located in Camp Hill 34th Regiment which was in Harpers Ferry this is whre it all went down.
  • Biggest winter storm

    Biggest winter storm
    Pocomac river
    Arthur was writing about a big snow storm that has hit him and his army. It snowed about a foor deep some of the men got to ice skate on the Potomac river, it has frozen the whloe river it was freezing though. He was in Harpers ferry, It was probably the coldest winter yet.
  • Captain down

    Captain down
    Harpers Ferry
    There was a battle going on at the company, General Huters was fighting and defeating the rebels near stanton. But cause of that action the company was reduced ranks for not going to the regiment. But all of the soldiers could do was hope for the best and try to find a good captaiin that could replace General Hunter.They were in Harpers Ferry when all went down.
  • Duty

    Being releivedArthur was on duty he was located Harpers Ferry Va, But he asked the captain if he could be Rleived which means to dismiss someone from employment but the captain was so mad and demanded him to get back to work, But then after he cooled down the captain let Arthur be releived and wished that he did not let him go he wanted to give him a promotian.
  • Not Returing

    Not Returing
    Leaving the Battlefeild
    The weather has been changing alot in the battle feild while the men was trying to set up the new feild Arthur was on Duty once aagin, But when one of the men left with no gun and supplies he never returned the captain was sure that he ran away and will not be returing.
  • Fed the army

    Fed the army
    Arthur has helped his men Fed one army of 45 or up to 5000 men within a week. Arthur even have mentioned that most of the stores are supplied with food and objects that the men had worked for.For doing all of these goods deeds the Capt is giving him 25 dolllars extra pay in his pay check. The men were located in Harpers Ferry.
  • Sending a Package

    Sending a Package
    Civil war items
    Arthur had sent a package to his mother containing old things that he had collected, He had sent two pair of pants to his son Harry. Arthur sent 750 dollars for his mom and son for them to get something for Arthur and some more clothes for the war. There is not much war going on there was only a little battle that eneded up being a win and a loss.