Erikson's 8 psychosocial events

Steven's life events

  • Steven's potty training: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

    Steven's potty training: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
    Steven, 26 months old, is growing a sense of independence and autonomy. The important balance of support and allowing a child learn is the parents job. When Steven is learning to potty train, his parents allow him to learn his limits with using the toilet and ability to go without an accident. He is lucky that he does not experience shame because his parents tolerate and even encourage him despite if he has an accident.
  • Steven experiences guilt in a grocery store: Initiative vs. Guilt

    Steven experiences guilt in a grocery store: Initiative vs. Guilt
    Steven is now 4.5 years old. He was playing outside with his older brother running around and playing cops and robbers. Their mother rounded them up to go to the grocery store with her. While in the store, Steven takes off to initiate another cop and robber chase with his brother. His mother immediately stops the boys from running around the store and creates a sense of guilt for them that this was inappropriate behavior.
  • Steven doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up: Identity vs. Role Confusion

    Steven doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up: Identity vs. Role Confusion
    Steven's a sophomore in school.He's encouraged by his parents to begin looking at colleges.His parents have suggest certain schools that are more reasonably priced.Steven thinks he wants to study medicine at an expensive school.If he were to explore a scholarship in an extra curricular activity instead of hanging out with friends as often, he could possibly attend his desired school.Steven feels at a loss and is confused with the role of a kid versus beginning to make adult decisions.
  • Steven distances himself during college: Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Steven distances himself during college: Intimacy vs. Isolation
    Steven is now in college. He rarely goes out with girls and usually only encounters them at parties when it is convenient to him. He tends to shy away from the idea of opening up to a young lady because he is afraid to let someone in. He fears they will distract him and take away from the "college experience" Sometimes, when Steven doesn't hang out with his buddies, he stays at home a feels lonely that he doesn't have a special person to talk to.