Osc microbio 03 01 rediexpt

spontaneous generation

  • 322 BCE


    Aristotle was born the 384 B.C in Chalcadian League and was death the 322 BC in Macedonian Empire with 62 years. It was an Ancient Greek psychologist, in the fourth century B.C believed that simple living beings, could arise spontaneously. For centuries it was believed that certain living beings, for example insects, worms and even larger animals such as frogs could originate not only from their parents, but also directly from mud, dung and other materials. We know it as spontaneous generation.
  • Francesco Redi

    Francesco Redi
    Francesco Redi was born the 18th of February 1626 in la Toscana and was death the 1 of march in 1699 in Pisa. It was, a physician and poet, made his first serious attack on the idea of spontaneous generation in 1668. At that time, it was widely held that maggots arose spontaneously in rotting meat. To achieve the goal of proving spontaneous generation to be wrong, he set out a controlled experiment.
  • Redi's Experiment

    Redi's Experiment
    The experiment consist on placing a piece of red meat in three equal jugs, the 1st left it open, the 2nd covered it with a cork, and the 3rd left it covered with a tightly bound piece of gase. Thanks to his different proofs of his experiment, he concluded that, therefore, meat from dead animals cannot breed worms unless animal eggs are laid in it.
    Despite the results he obtained, the belief in spontaneous generation remained widespread.
  • John Needham

    John Needham
    John Needham was born 10/2/1713 at London and he death's the 30/12/1781 with 68 years at Brussels. He was a Biologist and sacerdotal. He attempted to demonstrate the theory of spontaneous generation of life from inorganic matter in his 1749 publication Observations on the generation, composition and decomposition of animal and plant substances. He became the first Catholic priest elected to the E in 1768 when he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. N.T.E.T.S.
  • Needham experiment

    Needham experiment
    Needham poured the broth into flasks after briefly bringing it to a boil to destroy any remaining microorganisms. He sealed them as soon as the broth had finished cooling. After a while, he noticed living microorganisms in the tightly sealed broth, which led him to draw the opposite conclusion from Redi and establish spontaneous generation as a real possibility.
  • Spallanzani Experiment

    Spallanzani Experiment
    Buffoon and John Needham came to the conclusion that certain types of inorganic matter contain a life-generating force that, given enough time, enables living microbes to form on their own. Spallanzani's experiment demonstrate that it is not a property of matter that is inherent, and it can be destroyed by boiling for one hour. He postulated that microbes move through the air and can be killed by boiling because they did not reappear as long as the material was hermetically sealed.
  • Lazzaro Spallanzani

    Lazzaro Spallanzani
    Lazzaro Spallanzani,was a biologist and physiologist who made significant contributions to the experimental study of bodily functions, animal reproduction, and animal echolocation, was born on January 12, 1729, and died on February 11, 1799. Although the theory of spontaneous generation, which held that living things emerge from inanimate objects and was widely accepted at the time, Pasteur a century later, his research on biogenesis paved the way for its demise.
  • Pasteurization

    Thermal treatment known as pasteurization is applied to liquids.To lessen the risk of pathogens containing them being present.The vast majority of bacterial agents perish as a result of the high temperatures.Thermal processing is used to control microorganisms in liquid foods while minimizing changes to those organisms physical makeup, chemical composition, and organoleptic qualities.The aim of pasteurization is not eliminate completely the pathogenic agents.He refuted spontaneous generation.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    Louis Pasteur was a French chemist, physicist, mathematician and bacteriologist he made numerous important discoveries in the natural sciences, particularly in the fields of chemistry and microbiology. Because of his contributions, he is considered the father of modern microbiology, marking the beginning of the so-called «Golden Age of Microbiology».