Routes of famous explorers

Spanish Exploration

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Shortcut To Asia

    Shortcut To Asia
    Columbus set sail to look for a shortcut to Asia to find gold. he thought that if he sailed east from England he would arrive to india, but he didin't think that he would arrive to america.
  • 1519

    looking for gold

    looking for gold
    cortes conquerd the aztec empire in mexico. Cortes brought back 99 tons of gold. Cortes sparked the exitment of the new world.
  • 1519

    The 1st map

    The 1st map
    Pineda commanded a Spanish expedition that sailed along the Gulf of Mexico coastline from Florida to Mexico, in 1519. He and his men were the first Europeans to explore and map the Gulf coast
  • 1527

    Exploring North

    Exploring North
    De Vaca was a Spanish explorer who sailed to North America from Spain, leaving in 1527. The expedition of 250 to 300 men was led by Narvaez.
  • Nov 6, 1528

    Discovering Texas

    Discovering Texas
    DeVaca was sailing and got caught in a storm. He ended up crashing in Galveston. After wandering he got lost and ended up exploring Galveston Central, and West texas. He was enslaved by the Karankawa, Jumano and Coahuiltecan tribes but ended up escaping and he became a healer by performing the first surgery on and Indian. He finally found the Spanish after 8 years.
  • 1539

    Looking for the 7 Cities of gold

    Looking for the 7 Cities of gold
    Fray Marcos and Esteban wen to look for the 7 cities of gold. Esteban got killed by the Zunis for demanding for women and food. Fray Marcos reported seeing the 7 cities of gold bigger than Mexico city.
  • May 21, 1542

    Looking Further into Texas

    Looking Further into Texas
    Hernando De Soto was the original leader but he got a fever and died. He reported the harsh land of Texas which causes him to retreat back into Texas when he was trying to leave.
  • 1554

    Exploring the 7 cities of gold

    Exploring the 7 cities of gold
    After hearing what Fray Marcos had reported about the 7 cities of gold Coronado got sent out to explore them. When Coronado reached the 7 cities of gold it ended up being a Zuni pueblo village. He reported saying that Texas had nothing and had mean indians, harsh land, and no gold. Spain was surprised by his report and decided not to send any more explorers for 150 years.