M 7004

Spanish Exploration

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus's First Voyage

    Columbus's First Voyage
    Columbus was looking for a west water route to Asia/India. He was credited for discovering the New World but did not know it was a New World. He was the first to start permanent settlement. He also brought back gold and other goods. This is important because he made the Spanish start exploring in North America because of the riches he found, and he made 4 trips to the New World.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Cortes' Voyage

    Cortes' Voyage
    Cortes conquered the Aztecs in Mexico. This is important because he sparked the interest of many people to explore North and South America because he found so much gold.
  • Jun 2, 1519

    Pineda's Voyage

    Pineda's Voyage
    Pineda was the first to map the Gulf Coast from Florida to Texas, and he made a report of the region. This is important because his map of the coast led to others exploring the land on the Gulf Coast.
  • Jan 1, 1528

    De Vaca Voyage Part 1 Start Day

    De Vaca Voyage Part 1 Start Day
    De Vaca's leader was Narvez, and his goal was to search for gold in Florida.
  • Nov 6, 1528

    De Vaca Discovers Texas

    De Vaca Discovers Texas
    De Vaca discovered Texas because he shipwrecked and landed on Galveston Island. De Vaca was there for 8 years from 1528-1536. While he was there, he met the Karankawa tribe, the Coahuiltecan tribe, and the Jumano tribe.
  • Jan 1, 1539

    Fray Marcos and Esteban's Journey

    Fray Marcos and Esteban's Journey
    The purpose of Fray Marcos and Esteban's journey was to study the land to the north to evaluate it. Esteban moved ahead of the main group (that included Fray Marcos), and he traveled to find Cibola (7 Cities of Gold). Later, an advance party told Fray Marcos that Esteban had been killed by the Indians. Fray Marcos reported that he saw a building that sparkled like gold in the desert sun. He said there was a grand and golden city there.
  • Jan 1, 1539

    Moscoso's Expedition

    Moscoso's Expedition
    The leader of the group was De Soto and he died at the Mississippi River of a fever. Moscoso reported that in Texas, there was no gold at the places he explored: (Florida to Texas). Spain would not return for 150 years because of Coronado's and Moscoso's reports.
  • Jan 1, 1540

    Coronado's Expedition

    Coronado's Expedition
    Coronado searched for two cities: Cibola and Quivera. On his second part of his expedition, he picked up an Indian called The Turk, to serve as his guide for the second part of his expedition. The Turk got put to death by Coronado and Coronado made him dig his own grave and then he strangles The Turk. Coronado discovered the Palo Duro Canyon in Texas and the Grand Canyon in Arizona. Coronado's journey was important because he did not find any gold there and his expedition failed.