
Spanish Exploration

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Colombus Voyage

    Colombus Voyage
    Goal: To find a west water route to Asia, Indian.
    Accomplishments: Found New World but did not know it was.
    Explorerd: Caribbean Islands, Bahamas
    Discoveries: New World, Gold, Native Aericans
    Importance: Started Spanish Exploring because of all the gold he found
  • May 2, 1519

    Cortes Voyage

    Cortes Voyage
    Goal: To find gold
    Accomplihments: Conquered Aztec's
    Explored: Mexico
    Discoveries: Gold, Aztec Emprie
    Importance: He made people want to go to the New World because he found alot of gold
  • Aug 5, 1519

    Pineda's Voyage

    Goal: Find a water route to the Pacific Ocean
    Accomplishments: First to map the Gulf Coast from Florida to Texas
    Explorerd: Coast from Florida to Texas
    Discoveries: Rio Grande
    Importance: His map lead others to explore
  • Aug 9, 1528

    DeVaca's Voyage All

    DeVaca's Voyage All
    Goal: Help Narez look for gold
    Accomplishments: First to explore Texas, first to write about Indains, and Perfomed first Surgey in Texas
    Explored: Texas
    Discoveries: Jumanos, Karankawa, and Couhiltecaus
    Importance: he herad their were seven cities of gold and people must go, people begain to explore texas to find the golden cities
  • Nov 1, 1539

    Fray Marcos and Esteban's Jounery

    Fray Marcos and Esteban's Jounery
    Purpose: To study the land
    What Happened: Saw the seven cities of gold
  • Nov 1, 1539

    Moscoso's Expedition

    Moscoso's Expedition
    Leader: De Soto
    Purpose: Look for gold
    What Happened: De Soto died and Moscoso took lead
    Importance: Found the Mississippi River
  • Sep 10, 1540

    Coroando's Expedition

    Coroando's Expedition
    Goal: To find the seven cities of gold
    Cities of gold looked at: Cibola, and Quivera
    Importance: Mismanagement of money and burned 125 Indians alive