Spain 1500-1650 C.E.

  • Jan 1, 1502

    First Spanish Settlement in The Caribbean

    First Spanish Settlement in The Caribbean
    Spain would begin settling on several islands and brought in black slaves. The explorers would eventually kill most of the native population mainly through European diseases.
  • Jan 1, 1503

    African Americans

    African Americans
    The first black slaves in America were taken to the Spanish colony of Santo Domingo. Large number of slaves were brought to the new world to replace the native laborors who had been killed off through battles and disease brought over by the Europeans.
  • Apr 27, 1519

    Cortes invades Mexico

    Cortes invades Mexico
    Hernan Cortes invaded Mexico in 1519, but was met by resistance from the natives. Cortes and his men easilty defeated the natives. As Cortes is making his way down to the Aztec Empire he encountered the Tlaxcalans, a native tribe who were enimes of the Aztecs. Cortes and the Tlaxcalns tribe raided and conqured the city of Tenochtitlán.
  • Sep 1, 1519

    The Magallan Expediton

    The Magallan Expediton
    Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastian Elcano set out to go around the world. Magellan was first in command, but was killed in battle in the Philippines. Juan Sebastian took command and had to complete the voyage. He made it back to Europe on September 6, 1522. The King of Spain received Elcano, and granted him a coat of arms bearing a globe and the Latin phrase Primus circumdedisti me, or “You Went Around Me First.”
  • Nov 1, 1520

    The Revolt of The Comuneros

    The Revolt of The Comuneros
    Charles V succeeded to the throne of Spain and caused uproar by appointing foreginers to court positions and making tax demands when he promised not to. Neighboring Cities rebelled against him and were successful at first, but when the rebellion spread to the counrty side. Nobilities felt threatend and grouped along side the troops and put down the rebellion.
  • Apr 26, 1542

    West Coast Expedition

    West Coast Expedition
    Juan Rodriguez was the first European to lead an expedition to the West Coast on the United States. He discovered modern day San Diego bay.
  • Jan 1, 1555

    "Lazarillo de Tormes"

    "Lazarillo de Tormes"
    "Lazarillo de Tormes" is an anonymous picaresque novel written in the beginning of the 16th century. It tells a story of a young boy of humble upbrining who works for different people in different society levels. "Lazarillo de Tormes" was the first picaresque novel, this novel also invented that particular genre of novels.
  • Jan 1, 1569

    "La Araucana"

    "La Araucana"
    "La Araucana" was a epic poem written by Alonso de Ercilla. This poem is considered to be one of the greatest Spanish historical poems.
  • Jan 1, 1571

    Spanish Armada vs Ottoman Empire

    Spanish Armada vs Ottoman Empire
    The Spanish Armada defeated the Ottoman Empire in the battle of the Mediterranean Sea. This victory ended the Ottoman Empire's dominance in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Apr 22, 1571

    Nahuatl Dictionary

    Nahuatl Dictionary
    Franciscan Fray Alonso de Monlina was a priest and grammarian who produced the first dictionary in the New World, the "Nahuatl Language." lt was the fírst interpative way to approach an indigenous language. It is still widely used to this day.
  • "The Burial of Count Orgaz"

    "The Burial of Count Orgaz"
    This painting by El Greco, was painted for the church of Santo Tome in Toledo. This painting is El Greco's best known masterpiece not only because of the outstanding features but for the images of the most highly respected social figures in Toledo that are incorporated into the painting.
  • Spanish Armada vs British Navy

    Spanish Armada vs British Navy
    A major sea power in this point of history, the Spanish Armada is defeated by the British Navy. This battle ended Spain's reign as a sea power.
  • Moriscos expelled from Spain

    Moriscos expelled from Spain
    Moriscos meaning Moorish, were former Muslims who were forced to convert to Christianity rather than face death or expulsion from Spain.
  • "Don Quixote"

    "Don Quixote"
    Miguel de Cervantes wrote "Don Quixote." This book is considered one of the great literary works of Spanish and Universal literature, as well as one of the most translated. It was the first anti-romance novel because it demysified the knightly tradition. It's also classifed as the first modern novel.
  • Mueso de Bellas Artes

    Mueso de Bellas Artes
    Mueso de Bellas Artes is a museum built by architect Juan de Oviedo. At this point in history, the government raided and confiscated all art in covenants and churches of Spain. However, all of the art that was taken was put into this museum. This museum contains the famous paintings of Diego Velazaquez, El Greco, Francisco de Zurbaran and modern Spanish painters.
  • The Adoration of the Shepherds

    The Adoration of the Shepherds
    Painted by El Greco, this is one of his most well known masterpieces. Its not only remarkable because the brilliancy of colors he used, but also the mysterious message the painting conveys.
  • Thirty Years War

    Thirty Years War
    This was an international conflict taking place in northern Europe in 1618. The war was fought between Catholics and Protestants, and also drew in the national armies of France, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, and the Habsburg dynasty that ruled the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Portrait of King Phillip IV

    Portrait of King Phillip IV
    This portrait was painted by Diego Velazquez. Diego was the first person to paint a full length portriat of King Phillip IV. Velazquez was one of the most influental and talented curators. This protrait is said to be what sparked Velazquez's career.
  • "La Vida es Sueno"

    "La Vida es Sueno"
    Translated to "Life Is a Dream," is a play by Pedro Calderon de la Barca. He was a Spanish dramatist and poet who succeeded the famous Lope de Vega as one the greatest Spanish playwrights of the golden age. "La Vida es Sueno" was one of his best known secular dramas.
  • Portrait of court Jester Don diego de Acedo

    Portrait of court Jester Don diego de Acedo
    This painting by Diego Velazquez, is a unique painting because it shows you the court Jester's deformity which is his height. Although Diego protrays his deformity, he poses the court Jester with a book, notebook, stylus and an inkwell to indicate his status and intelligence.
  • Treaty of the Thirty Years War

    Treaty of the Thirty Years War
    The Thirty Years' War ended with the treaties of Osnabrück and Münster, which was a small part of the Peace of Westphalia treaty.
  • The Young Beggar

    The Young Beggar
    This painting by Bartolome Esteban Murillo is also known as "The Louse-Ridden Boy." Bartolome was a well known Spanish Baroque painter. This is his first example of his popular genre of paintings featuring the street children of Seville.