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Spain in 18th and 19th centuries

  • Period: to

    Reign of Charles II

    Charles of Austria reigned with his mother in all realms and territories of Spain as Charles I and united in his person the crowns first Castilla and Aragon. Son of Joanna of Castile and Philip the Fair, and grandson of Maximilian I of Austria and Mary of Burgundy (from whom he inherited the Netherlands, the Austrian territories and the right to the imperial throne) and maternally of the Catholic Monarchs of who inherited Casttile, Navarra, Canary Islands, the Indies, Naples, Sicily and Aragon.
  • Charles II death

    Charles II death
  • Period: to

    Philip V

    Philip V of Bourbon was King of Spain from 16 November 1700 until his death in 1746, with a brief interruption (between 16 January and 5 September 1724), because of the abdication of his son Luis I, prematurely died August 31, 1724.
    It was the successor of the last monarch of the House of Austria, his great-uncle Charles II, so he became the first king of the House of Bourbon in Spain. His reign of 45 years and 3 days, is the longest period in the history of this country.
  • Period: to

    The War of the Spanish Succession

    This war was fought between European powers, including a divided Spain, over who had the right to succeed Charles II as King of Spain. The war concluded with the Peace of Utrecht (1713), in which the warring states recognised the French candidate as King Philip V of Spain in exchange for territorial and economic concessions.
  • Treaty of Utrech

    Treaty of Utrech
    The Treaty of Utrecht,which established the Peace of Utrecht,is a series of individual peace treaties,rather than a single document,signed by the belligerents in the War of the Spanish Successision.The treaties between several European states,like Spain,Great Britain,France,Portugal,Savoy and the Dutch Republic,helped end the war.The treaty marked the end of French ambitions of hegemony in Europe expressed in the wars of Louis XIV and preserved the European system based on the balance of power.
  • Pragmatic sanction

    Pragmatic sanction
    The Bourbons brought to Spain the Salic law (it includes females fron the line of succession). And the end of his reign, Ferdinand VII proclaimed his pragmatic sanction: her daughter Isabella would be Queen after his death. His brother Carlos didn't accept this saction and claimed for his rights. Then there followed a lot of prediodic civil wars and revolutions, culminating in the masive Civil War in 1936-1939
  • Period: to

    Isabel of Farnesio

    Isabel de Farnesio married in 1714 with Philip V, thanks to the good efforts of Cardinal Giulio Alberoni. Isabel woman of great beauty. Felipe V reduced his personal circle, which made Queen Elizabeth a fundamental part in the politics of the moment. While the monarch fell into depressions, Isabel used all his influence towards their personal ambitions to place their beloved children on the thrones of Europe.
  • Period: to

    Louis I

    Louis I called The Beloved or The Liberal king of Spain. His reign of 229 days is the most ephemeral of Spanish history (excluding the government of Philip the Fair). He was the eldest son of Philip V and Maria Luisa of Savoy.
  • Floridablanca

    Jose Monino y Redondo, Count of Floridablanca I (Murcia, October 21, 1728 - Sevilla, December 30, 1808) was a Spanish politician who served as Secretary of State from 1777 to 1792 and chaired the Supreme Central Junta created in 1808. He became a layer and he was an spanish statesman. He died in December 30 of 1808.
  • Jovellanos

    Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos, baptized as Gaspar Melchor Baltasar Maria Llanos y Ramirez Jove (Gijón, January 5, 1744 - Puerto de Vega, Navia, November 27, 1811) was a writer and lawyer. He was born in a noble family, but without fortune.
    Also was an spanish politician. He died in 1811.
  • Period: to

    Francisco de Goya

    He was an Spanish romantic painter and a printmaker. Goya was the court painterto the Spanish crown. Throughout the Peninsular War he remained in Madrid, where he painted the portrait of Joseph Bonaparte pretend and documented the war in the masterpiece called Desastres de la Guerra. Later he became a very important model for artists of later generations like Manet, Picasso and Francis Bacon.
  • Goya's portrait

    Goya's portrait
  • Canal de Castilla

    Canal de Castilla
    It is a canal that transports wheat grain from Castille to the northern fronteers.
  • Period: to

    The Seven Years WAr

    This war affected Europe, North America, Central America, the West African coast, India, and the Philippines.
  • Esquilache Riots (Motín de Esquilache)

    Esquilache Riots (Motín de Esquilache)
    Esquilache was the minister of the kingand he already served him in his previous kingdom in Naples (in 1759). The people were angry because Esquilache made several reforms, and didn't agree with them.
  • The expelled of Jesuits.

    The expelled of Jesuits.
    The Jeuits were a group of people that followed a religious order of the Catholic Church. It was founded by Ignacio de Loyola in 1540. The Bourbons expelled the Jesuits from Spain, in order eliminate their power in education.
  • Manuel Godoy

    Manuel Godoy
    He was the prime minister of the state and a Spanish politician. When he was in this charge he tried to save Louis XVI from the guillotine. In 1798 he was forced to resign from his current position.
  • Period: to

    Royal Tapestry

  • 'Paseo por Andalucía' o 'La maja y los embozados'

    'Paseo por Andalucía' o 'La maja y los embozados'
    In the picture that Esquilache prohibited we can see the men dressing with the prohibited clothes.
  • "Caprichos"

    'Caprichos' is a series of 80 prints of the Spanish painter Francisco
    de Goya, which represents a satire of Spanish society at the end of the 18th century, above all the nobility and the clergy.
  • Tomás de Zumalacárregui

    Tomás de Zumalacárregui
    He was called Duque de la Victoria and Conde de Zumalacárregui. He was an Spanish militar and he also was a Carlist General during the First Carlist War. He died on the 24th of June in 1835.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    He was killed by the guillotine.
  • War of Pyrenees

    War of Pyrenees
    France fought against the kingdom of Spain and Portugal until July, 1795. France gained Catallonia, Navarre and the Vasque provinces, in 1794. The Spain ceded to the French half of the Caribbean islands of Santo Domingo.
  • Charles IV's family

    Charles IV's family
    Charles IV of Spain and His Family is an oil painting, by Goya who began work on this painting in 1800 and completed it in 1801. It represents the life of Charles IV of Spain and his family, dressed in fine costume and jewelry. The painting was modeled after Velázquez's.
    Las Meninas.
  • The Spanish defeat at Trafalgar

    The Spanish defeat at Trafalgar
    The Battle of Trafalgar was a naval engagement fought by the Royal Navy against the combined fleets of the French and Spanish Navies, during the War of the Third Coalition of the Napoleonic Wars.The battle was the most decisive naval victory of the war. The Franco-Spanish fleet lost twenty-two ships, without a single British vessel being lost. The British won.
  • Treaty of Fontainebreau

    Treaty of Fontainebreau
    It was signed between Spain and France, defined the occupation of Portugal and proposed the division of the country into three kingdoms as a result of the Peninsular War.
  • Napoleonic troops in Spain

    Napoleonic troops in Spain
  • Bayonne abdications

    Bayonne abdications
    Is the name given to a series of abdications of the Kings of Spain that led to the Peninsular War. The failled El Escorial Conspiracy preceded the Mutiny of Aranjuez, which forced King Charles IV to abdicate the thrown to his soin Ferdinand VII in 1808 by orderes of the Spanish Royal Council.
  • Independence War (Disasters of war)

    Independence War (Disasters of war)
    Are a series of 82 prints created between 1810 and 1820 by Goya. Art historians view them as a visual protest against the violence of the 1808 Dos de Mayo Uprising, The subsequent Peninsular War of 1808–14 and the setbacks to the liberal cause. During the conflicts between Napoleon's French Empire and Spain, Goya retained his position as first court painter to the Spanish crown and continued to produce portraits of the Spanish and French rulers.
  • 2 of May

    2 of May
    It was a rebellion by the people of Madrid against the occupation of the city by the French troops, and this had brutal repressions by the French Imperial forces and triggering the Peninsular War.
  • Period: to

    Absolutist Period

    Ferdinand VII wanted to restores again the Absolute Monarchy instead of having a Constitutional Monarchy, so he asked for helped to the Holly Alliance. This alliance sent French troops, called 100 mil hijos de San Luis. Finally the Liberal movements ended and the Absolute Monarchy was restored.
  • Juan Prim

    Juan Prim
    Marqués de los Castillejos and Viscount of the Bruch, was a Spanish military and political liberal nineteenth century who became President of the Council of Ministers of Spain. In his military career he participated in the First Carlist War and the War of Africa. After the Revolution of 1868 became one of the most influential men in Spain at the time, sponsoring the inauguration of the House of Savoy in the person of Amadeo I. He was killed shortly after.
  • Riego's pronunciamiento

    Riego's pronunciamiento
    Before Ferdinand reigns in Spain, in 1812 the populationwanted to have a Liberal Constitution. Later they need someone to reign so they chosed Ferdinand and when he came he abolished the Constitution and the people got angry. So Riego made a Pronunciamiento and the Constitution was established again. Finally Ferdinand has to reign with the Constitution for three years.
  • Black paintings

    Black paintings
    Is the name given to a painting by Goya, now in the Museo del Prado, Madrid. One of the series of Black Paintings Goya painted directly onto the walls of his house sometime between 1820 and 1823, it depicts two men fighting one another with cudgels, as they seem to be trapped knee-deep in the mud or sand.
  • Painting of Charles |||

    Painting of Charles |||
    The artist of Charles the third was Francisco de Goya
    goya made a portrait of him hunting and the style of this picture is romanticism and its made with oil technique.
  • Goya's death

    Goya's death
    Goya died in Burdeos, in the 16 of April of 1828, with 82 years old, he was buried in France. Then in 1899 his mortal remains were translated to Madrid.
  • Period: to

    Regencies for Isabella II

    Two regnts governed in her place: her mother, Maria Cristina and Generales Espartero. Three years later, with 16 years old, she was forced to marry a prince of France, but she didn't like him. They had 12 children. But not all their children were from Francisco. Isabella had relationshipd with various members of the political espectrum. Her interference in political affairs was resented on all sides, and in 1866 she was overthrown.
  • Period: to

    The First Carlist War

    Was a Civil War in Spain. The fighting spanned most of the country, although the main conflict centered on the Carlist homelands of the Basque Country and Aragon, Catalonia and Valencia. The main reason of the three Carlist Wars was the succession to the thrown and the nature of the Spanish Monarchy.
  • Period: to

    The Second Carlist War

    Was a minor Catalonian uprising. The rebels tried to install Carlos VI on the throne. In Galicia, the uprising was put down by General Ramón María Narváez.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    This revolution was caused because Isabella II had many relationships with some important politicians and this led to the Glorious Revolution. The revolution was led by Juan Prim and Francisco Serrano, deprived her of support of the army. Isabella II went into exile in France.
  • Period: to

    Amadeus of Savoy

    Amadeo of Savoy (May 30, 1845 - January 18, 1890) was King of Spain between 1870 and 1873 with the name of Amadeo I, and first Duke of Aosta. His reign in Spain, just over two years, was marked by political instability. The six cabinets that occurred during this period were not able to solve the crisis, aggravated by the separatist conflict in Cuba, which had begun in 1868, and a new Carlist War, which began in 1872.
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    The Third Carlist War

    Queen Isabella II was overthrown by a conspiracy of liberal generals in 1868, and left Spain in some disgrace. The Cortes (Parliament) replaced her with Amadeo, the Duke of Aosta. Then, when the Spanish elections of 1872 resulted in government violence against Carlist candidates, the Carlist pretender, Carlos VII, decided that only force of arms could win him the throne. The Third Carlist War began.
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    Estanislao Figueras

    Estanislao Figueras (Barcelona, 1819 - Madrid, 1882) was a Spanish politician. In February 1873, after the abdication of Amadeo I, was elected "the first President of the Executive Power of the Republic" by the National Assembly.
  • Period: to

    Francisco Pi

    Francisco Pi (April 20, 1824, Barcelona - November 29, 1901, Madrid) was a politician, philosopher, and Spanish writer, he became president of the Executive Branch of the First Spanish Republic between 11 June and July 18, 1873.
  • Period: to

    Nicolás Salmerón Alonso

    Nicolás Salmerón Alonso (April 10, 1838 - September 20, 1908) was a politician and Spanish philosopher, Chairman of the Executive Branch of the First Spanish Republic for six weeks in 1873, a position he resigned citing problems of conscience before signing of a death sentences.
  • Period: to

    Emilio Castelar

    Emilio Castelar (September 7, 1832 - May 25, 1899) was a Spanish politician and writer, he was Chairman of the Executive Branch of the First Spanish Republic. He was president from September 7, 1873 to January 3, 1874.
  • Restoration of the Monarchy

    Restoration of the Monarchy
    The Restoration (in Spanish, Restauración or Restauración borbónica) was the name given to the period that began on 29 December 1874 after the First Spanish Republic ended with the restoration of the monarchy under Alfonso XII after a coup d'état by Martinez Campos, and ended on 14 April 1931 with the proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    They lost Cuba, to give it to United States. And Spain also gives to United States the Island of Puerto Rico and the other islands in the West Indies and the Isle of Guam in the archipelago of the Marianas. And finally, Spain cedes to the United States the archipelago known as the Philippine Islands.