
19th century in Spain

  • Carlos IV

    Carlos IV
    Carlos IV became the King of Spain
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    French and Spanish forces were defeated by the British at the Battle of Trafalgar.
  • Treaty of Fontainebleau

    This treaty gave French troops permission to pass through Spain on their way to attack Portugal, which was allied with Great Britain.
  • Abdication of Carlos IV

    Napoleon Bonaparte sent Carlos IV and his son Fernando to Bayonne, in France. In Bayonne, Carlos IV and Fernando renounced their rights to the Spanish throne in favour of Napoleon.
  • Period: to

    Peninsular War

    The Peninsular War was a military conflict between France and Spain and his allies, Portugal and Great Britain, for the control of the Iberian Peninsula.
  • Joseph I

    Joseph I
    Napoleon made his brother, Joseph Bonaparte, the new King of Spain.
  • Constitution of 1812

    The Cortes of Cadiz approved the first Spanish constitution.
  • Treaty of Valençay

    In this treaty Napoleon Bonaparte offered peace and recognised Fernando VII as the King of Spain.
  • Fernando VII

    Fernando VII
    After the expulsion of Joseph Bonaparte from the throne of Spain, Fernando returned and became the King of Spain under the name of Fernando VII.
  • Joseph I's reign ended

    The French were finally defeated thanks to support form British forces led by the Duke of Wellington.
  • Period: to

    The Restoration of the Old Regime

    Fernando VII abolished the Constitution of 1812 and restored the absolute monarchy in Spain.
  • Rafael de Riego

    Rafael de Riego
    In Las Cabezas de San Juan, Sevilla, Rafael de Riego proclaimed the restoration of the Constitution of 1812 that was abolished by Fernando VII during the six year period of absolutism.
  • Period: to

    Liberal Triennium

    The Liberal Triennium was a period of three years of liberal government in Spain. During this period, the Constitution of 1812 was restored by Diego de Rivera.
  • Period: to

    Ominous Decade

    Fernando VII abolished again the Constitution of 1812 and restored the absolute monarchy.
  • The Battle of Trocadero

    The Battle of Trocadero
    The Congress of Vienna authorized France to intervene in the restoration of the absolute monarchy of Fernando VII. The French army known as Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Luis fought against the liberals in Spain and the absolute monarchy was restored.
  • Rafael de Riego's dead

    Rafael de Riego was hanged in the Plaza de la Cebada, in Madrid
  • Fernando VII's reign ended

    Fernando VII died and his reign ended.
  • Isabel II

    Isabel II
    Isabel became Queen of Spain as Isabel II
  • Regency of Maria Cristina de Borbón-Dos Sicilias

    Regency of Maria Cristina de Borbón-Dos Sicilias
    Maria Cristina, the wife of Fernando VII, assumed the regency as her daughter, Isabel II, was too young to govern.
  • Period: to

    First Carlist War

    The First Carlist War was a period of civil war in Spain between the Carlists, who wanted the infant Carlos María Isidro de Borbón to become the King of Spain, and the Isabelines, who supported Isabel II
  • Separation of liberals

    In Spain, liberals split into two parties: the Progresist party and the Moderate party.
  • Royal Statute

    Maria Cristina and the Moderate party created the Royal statute. It is not considered a Constitution since citizens did not participate.
  • Constitution of 1837

    Constitution of 1837
    The Constitution of 1837 was established in Spain during the regency of Maria Cristina.
  • The Convention of Vergara

    The Convention of Vergara was a treaty signed by Baldomero Espartero for the Isabelines and Rafael Maroto for the Carlists that ended the First Carlist War
  • Regency of Baldomero Espartero

    Regency of Baldomero Espartero
    When the regency of Maria Cristina ended, Baldomero Espartero assumed the new regency, as Isabel II was too young.
  • End of the regency of Baldomero Espartero

    The Porgresist party and the Moderate Party ended with the regency of Baldomero Espartero. Isabel II started his reign in Spain.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Isabel II

    The Reign of Isabel II was the period between the end of the regency of Baldomero Espartero and the triumph of the Revolution of 1868.
  • Constitution of 1845

    Constitution of 1845
    The Constitution of 1845 was established during the reign of Isabel II
  • Period: to

    Second Carlist War

    The First Carlist Wat was a period of civil war in Spain between the carlists, who wanted the infant Carlos María Isidro de Borbón to become the King of Spain, and the defenders of Isabel II
  • Period: to

    Progresist biennium

    The Progresist biennium was a period in which the Progresist party tried to reform the reign of Isabel II. During this period Baldomero Espartero became President of the Council of Ministers in Spain with the help of Leopoldo O'Donell
  • Constitution of 1856

    The Constitution of 1856 was never applied due to the Leopoldo O' Donnell
  • Liberal Union

    Liberal Union
    The Liberal Union was a new political party founded by Leopoldo O' Donell that was between the progressivist ideas and the moderate ideas. O'Donnel removed Espartero from his charge as President of the Council of Ministers.
  • Pact of Ostend

    The Pact of Ostend was signed with the purpose of ending with the monarchy of Isabel II.
  • Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution was a revolution carried out by the admiral Topete and the general Prim with the purpose of removing Isabel II from the Spanish government as it was agreed on the Pact of Ostend.
  • Period: to

    The six year revolutionary period

    The six year revolutionary period was the period in the history of Spain between the Glorious Revolution and the Bourbon Restoration.
  • Period: to

    The Provisional Government

    The Provisional Governement of Spain during these years was formed by the Progressive party and the Liberal Union.
  • The Constitution of 1869

    The Constitution of 1869
    The Constitution of 1869 was established by the Provisional Government and is considered to be the first democratic constitution of Spain.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Amadeo I

    The reign of Amadeo I was the first trial of introducing a parlamentary monarchy in Spain. However, it only lasted for 2 years.
  • Period: to

    The Third Carlist War

    The First Carlist Wat was a period of civil war in Spain between the carlists, who supported Carlos, teh duque of Madrid, known as Carlos VII, and the defenders of the governments of Amadeo I, the First Republic and Alfonso XII
  • Period: to

    The First Spanish Republic

    The First Spanish Republic was the political regime that existed in Spain between 1873 and 1874. It was the first republican government in Spain.
  • Coup d'etat of Pavia

    The coup d'etat of Pavia reulted in the dictatorship of General Francisco Serrano
  • Alfonso XII

    Alfonso XII
    Alfonso, son of Isabel II, became the King of Spain in 1874 under the name of Alfonso XII
  • Period: to

    The Bourbons Restoration

    The Bourbons Restoration refers to the monarchy period that extended from the proclamation of Alfonso XII as King of Spain in 1874 until the Second Republic in 1931.
  • The Constitution of 1876

  • Alfonso XII's reign ended

    Alfonso XII died and his reign ended
  • Period: to

    Regency of Maria Cristina of Austria

    Maria Cristina, the second wife of Alfonso XII, assumed the regency as his son, Alfonso XIII, was too young to govern.
  • Alfonso XIII

    Alfonso XIII
    Alfonso XIII, son of Alfonso XII, was the King of Spain since his birth until the Second Republic.
  • The Spanish-American War

    The Spanish-American War
    The Spanish-American War was a war between Spain and the United States of America that resulted in the occupation of Cuba by the United States and the lost of the Spanish colonies of Filipinas and Puerto Rico in America and Guam in Asia, which were ceased to the United States.