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Auguste Comte
*A frenchman who wanted to improve society, he believed for it to be studied scientifically.
*He used the word sociology to describe science.
* Comte published theories in a book which is called Positive Philosophy.
*Sadly he died before people came to enjoy his work. -
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Harriet Martineau
*Born in a solidly middle class home, an important figure in the founding of sociology.
* supporter of the emancipation for both women and enslaved people, a pioneering feminist theorist.
* very strong and outspoken. -
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Karl Marx
*German Scholar,
* Marx studied law in Bonn and Berlin
* for Marx the key to the unfolding of history was Class conflict -
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Herbert Spencer
*sole survivor of nine children, and was born to an english school teacher.
*mainly taught by his father and uncle, study of Latin, Greek, English, or history.
*Herbert compared society to a human body.
*also he introduced a theory called Social Darwinism. -
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Booker T Washington
*Washington had begun his life in slavery.
* Founding the Tuskegee institute in 1881.
* he worked under the assumption that african americans should accept segregation in return for promises of economic gains -
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Emile Durkheim
*Son of a french rabbi
*according to Durkheim society exists because of a broad consensus, or agreement, among members of society.
*he demonstrated that suicide involves more than individuals acting alone. -
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Jane Addams
*best known of the early female social reformers in the United States
*she attended Women's Medical College of Philadelphia.
*Addams focused on the problems caused by the imbalance of power. -
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George Herbert Mead
*taught at the university of Chicago
*explored how our sense of self develops.
*Mead's work laid the foundation for theoretical perspective of symbolic interactionism -
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Max Weber
*eldest son of a father who was a well to do German lawyer and politician.
*his mother in star contrast.
*his most famous book is the Protestant Ethic
*the Spirit of Capitalism which was first published in 1904-1905. -
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Robert Ezra Park
*worked as an aide.
*he specializes in race relations and human ecology
*he wanted to know how groups are organized in different ways. chronicled long term trends in society. -
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W.E.B Du Bois
*an african american educator, and social activist.
* Du Bois became the first to receive a doctorate from Harvard University.
* learned first hand about racial discrimination and segregation when he attended Fisk University in Nashville,Tennssee -
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Julian Samora
*first known mexican american to eastern doctorate in sociology *when graduated from Washington University in Louis in 1953. he went on to conduct pioneering work in Mexican American
* while at Notre Dame University, he founded the Mexican American Graduate Studies Program and headed the Mexican Border Studies Project.