Sleeping Freshman Never Lie

  • Patrick is Moving

    In the book, Scott is talking to Patrick on the phone. When Scott is having a conversation with Patrick, Patrick acts doesn't act like his normal self. When Scott asks his best friend what's wrong, Patrick tells Scott that he is moving. (Page 117)
  • Scott For Student Council

    One event in the plot of the story was that Scott reads his speech for why he should be in student council. Before Scott is reading his speech, he thinks that he's going to get the least amount of votes. But as he is reading his speech, Scott notices that the crowd is actually enjoying his speech. Later on, Scott finds out that he made student council. This is a big event because it will show Scott the treatment he gets because he's a freshman.
    (Page 104-105)
  • First Student Council Meeting

    In Scott's first student council meeting.he thought of a lot of ways to improve school spirit, but all of those ideas were a waste. This is because all of the older kids would just ignore him because he's a freshman.(121)
  • The First Conversation With Lee

    When Scott is walking in school he notices the new girl, Lee, and she is carrying a book. Lee sees that Scott notices her and Scott starts a conversation with her by talking about the book she had. When Scott starts the conversation he wants to end it right away because he realizes the new girl is "weird" according to the rest of the school because how she looks.(121-122)
  • Scott's Reputation

    In the book, Scott is talking to Lee. When Scott is talking with her, he is being very weary of the situation because he doesn't want people to think he hangs out with the girl they make fun of.(Page 127-128)
  • What Happened to Lee

    When Scott is talking to Lee he notices that she has bandages on her wrist. Scott can't stop looking at them and Lee tries to explain that she had a kitchen accident.(Page 132-133)
  • The Comparison

    When Scott tries to end a conversation with Lee, he runs away and notices something. He was treating Lee the same way he treated Tobie in the hospital. When Scott was in the hospital he had an excuse for not reading but now with Lee, he doesn't have an excuse why he can't read the books that she loans to him. (Page 139)
  • The Pain of Gym

    In gym class, Scott can't handle the pain he goes through. He thinks if gym class was based on the pain, he would get an A+ because how hard and tiring it is. (Page 144)
  • The Mistaken Musical

    During school, Scott overhears Julia and Kelly talking about the play they are going to audition for. Scott sees a chance to be with Julia, but when he goes to auditions he realizes he has to sing. Things don't end up too good because Scott voice cracks almost every three sconds.(149)
  • Tough Luck

    Scott did not make the play but since Mr. Perchal felt bad for him he gave Scott an opportunity to be part of stage crew. Scott saw this as an amazing chance because he gets to hangout with Julia. Scott says he'll do it. Scott later on finds out that Julia is not in the play and now he has one more thing addded to his schdeule that is a waste.(151)