Sir Isaac Newton via Joaquin K. Period 9

  • Born in a World At War

    when everything is happening around him isaac newton is born
  • Period: to

    The life of Isaac Newton

    Isaac newton died unmarried as to not interfere with his scientific research.
  • A boy by the name of Isaac Newton goes to school

    At 12 years old Isaac Newton transfers from Grammar School in Whoolsthorpe to King's School, Grantam. While there he goes from a bad student to top of the class.
  • A young man goes to one of the best college in Great Brittain

    Isaac Newton goes to Trinity college, one of the best at the time, and he meets Prof. Barrow. While there in 1664 he earns the bachelor degree of arts.
  • a genius is sent home and comes back with life changing information.

    Cambridge university is closed due to the bubonic plague. For the next two years Isaac Newton does an incredable amount of scientific work, the most famous of which being the falling apple.
  • The first reflecting telescope is made by a teacher

    Isaac Newton, now a teacher invents the first reflecting telescope using a prism and mirrors. He also recieved the degree of Master of Arts.
  • A man in the Royal Society

    A friend of Newton, Dr. Ward, proposes for him to join the Royal Society. One year later he is accepted as a member.
  • The Principa!

    A man named Halley and Newton had an arguement about the Inverse Square Law following disputes with Hooke and Wren. Throughout the next 2 years he wrote The Principa.
  • The Breakdown

    1692 was one of Newton's darkest years because of his breakdown. He went insane for two years, but this did not discourage him. In 1696 he was appointed warden of the mint.
  • the Knight of the Opticks

    After the death of Robert Hooke, Newton publishes his second book the Opticks. The next year he is knighted by Queen Anne for his contributions to science.
  • The Principa rewritten

    Newton rewrites an updated version of the principa and gives the first copy to Queen Anne.
  • Problems Solved

    Newtons friend/ enemy Liebnitz proposed a nearly unanswerable question but it is said that he recieved it one evening and answered it before he went to bed the very same day. the sane year Liebnitz died.
  • The Opticks V.2

    Due to recent advancements in science Sir Isaac Newton has to rewrite his book The Opticks
  • Ready to be rewritten

    New information has lead to the fact that the Principa needs rewritten. This takes four years and he is supervised by Henry Pemberton.
  • The Principa V.3

    After four years of hard work Isaac Newton manages to rewrite the Principa. He once again gives the first copy to Queen Anne.
  • The death of a genius

    Six days after his last meeting as president of the royal society Isaac Newton passes out and dies peacefully in his sleep. He is buried in Westminster Abbey