Isaac newton list of sins

Sir Isaac Newton

By jwadhwa
  • Birth

    Newton was born on January 4th, 1643. He was born to Isaac Newton Sr. and Hannah Ayscough. He was born in Woolsthrope, England. This marked the birth of one of the greatest scientists to ever live
  • Settlement of Massachusetts Bay Colony and Four Major Colonies Unite

    Settlement of Massachusetts Bay Colony and Four Major Colonies Unite
    Massachusetts Bay Colony was one of the original settlements in Massachusetts. 1,000 Puritans from England had obtained a charter that had been issued by the English King Charles I. They had come because they did not agree with religious rules and came to practice religious freedom. In 1643 the four major colonies united and made a state called Massachusetts, which is still a state. If, it weren't for this settlement, Massachusetts may not be a state (
  • Taj Mahal Completed

    Taj Mahal Completed
    The Taj Mahal was built in Agra on the river bank of Yamuna River and has an acre of 17 hectares. It was built by a Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory for his late wife. It is commonly recognized as the greatest jewel of earth. The Taj Mahal is such a piece of art that there is nothing like it in the whole world. The building is almost symmetric and in those times that was very rare to get such precious. The Taj Mahal is recognized as one of the seven wonders of the world (
  • Trial and Execution of Charles I

    Trial and Execution of Charles I
    Charles I was the first monarch to ever be put on trial and be executed for his doings. He was put on Trial for being a tyrant, a traitor and murderer. He was also deemed an enemy of the Commonwealth of England. Charles I always opposed the parliament, which had caused him to gain a terrible relationship which the parliament. Charles I had started the English Civil War in which the 'royalists' fought the 'puritans'. The royalists lost and Charles I became first monarch to be executed (Beck 537).
  • Navigation Acts Passed by English Parliament

    Navigation Acts Passed by English Parliament
    The Navigation Acts were passed by English Parliament. This act restricted trade, they could only trade with England and no other countries. These acts made people very irritated. This had started to spur revolution in America. These acts caused people to start a revolution. The American Revolution had been caused by this act and many other things. The Americans won the revolution and became free. If it were not for acts like these, America may not be a free country today (
  • Newton's Work on Calculus

    Newton's Work on Calculus
    Newton did great work on calculus. His work on calculus had first started when he tried to find slope on any point of a curve. To find the slope he figured to calculate the derivative, he had named this the method of of fluent. He also developed a method called method of fluent. With this he created the First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. After a big controversy on who developed calculus, it was altered determined it was Newton.He had provided a basis for calculus (
  • Newton Invents First Reflecting Telescope

    Newton Invents First Reflecting Telescope
    Newton had created a telescope that many wanted badly, a telescope that was very strong but was not too big. In everyone's attempt to make a telescope like this the telescope had suffered chromatic aberration. This caused breaks in various colors because the glass bended the colors. Newton figured to take out the lens and replaced it with a polished, rounded metal. That had solved the problem because now the light wasn't going thru glass and bright images were not disrupted (
  • Newton's Paper on Optics and Prism

    Newton's Paper on Optics and Prism
    Newton's work on optics and prism was revolutionary. In his work he created a color spectrum, which is widely used today. He disproved the common theory of how prisms colored light. The major result of this experiment was that he created the most used thing in art history, the color wheel. Even though everyone doubted this discovery, he finally had proved that he was not lying (
  • Newton Discovers Three Laws of Motion

    Newton Discovers Three Laws of Motion
    Newton had created the three laws that had defined and explained motion, this discovery was revolutionary. His first law had stated that everything will stay in pace until it is altered. His second law of motion states that the bigger mass the object has will result in the bigger force the object has. His third law of motion states that for everything you do their will be an equal reaction. We these three laws, we can predict motion (
  • Newton Releases his Theory of Universal Gravitation

    Newton Releases his Theory of Universal Gravitation
    Gravity was on of Newton's biggest accomplishments. He answered one of the biggest questions, why do things fall a certain way? In Newton's concept of gravity he explained that gravity is a force that acts on everything and it pulls everything toward the center of the earth. He, also, said that the more mass the object has will result in the more gravity an object has. This concept is commonly known around the world and is one of the most recognized discoveries (
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    In 1685, James II had come to power in England. He had started to irritate many people in England because he had started to enforce Cathlocism. James had a terrible relationship with parliament, it came to a point where at one point he had even dissolved it. There was worry of another civil war in England and more distrubution in England. So, the people had started to protest and asked Mary and William of Orange. James had fled and happy times came with the new monarchs (Beck 539).
  • St. Petersburg is Built

    St. Petersburg is Built
    Peter the Great had helped Russia become more modern. Peter the Great had started the westernization of Russia. One of the first things Peter did was create a new capital, St. Petersburg. From this new capital, they had access to travel to the west and have a trading port. Many of the changes Peter made, majorly creating a new capital, had finally started to make Russia strong. If, it were not for these changes Russia may have been taken over by and not be the country it is today (Beck 535).
  • Newton Becomes President of Royal Society

    Newton Becomes President of Royal Society
    Newton was elected to the president position of the Royal Society of London. Newton was re elected to this position every year until his death. Newton gained this position because it was the year that Hooke had died and causing there to be opening for the position. During his time as president he had published another of his major works which was called "Opticks". In this work, Newton had wrote about his painstaking experiments and ended it with some ideas on electricity (
  • Newton Becomes Second Scientists to be Knighted

    Newton Becomes Second Scientists to be Knighted
    Newton was knighted by England's Queen Anne. On this day he was going to be recognized as Sir Isaac Newton. He was knighted at age 62 because of his work on gravity, telescopes, motion, chemistry, and many other things. The major reason for Newton to be knighted, over all his other achievements, was for publicity. It would give him a much better chance for him to be re elected for a seat in parliament, for his third time (
  • Newton Advanced Early Modern Chemistry

    Newton Advanced Early Modern Chemistry
    Newton had spent a lot of his time practicing a type of early chemistry called alchemy. He had spent a lot of time outside his room at Trinity College doing many experiments and studying ancient texts. This was one of Newton's works were he did not fully figure out the subject, but he gave a boost. He did not have any major essay on alchemy, but he did an essay on the nature of acids. Newton and the alchemists had paved the path for many scientists to bring chemistry where it is now (
  • Death

    Isaac Newton had passed away on March 20, 1726 at age 84. He had passes away in London, United Kingdom. In Newton’s 84 years of life he also provided a basic understanding for the universe. He even, was responsible for providing a basis for the whole subject of physics. Newton will go down as one of the greatest scientists to ever live.