Issac Newton

  • Birth

    On December 25, 1642 Issac Newton was born. He was a weak baby, his mother Hannah named him after his father, Issac who had died in October. Nobody had known Hannah had just given birth to a genius. "A Sober, Silent, Thinking lad"
  • Language

    In 1649, English language takes place of Latin in Great Britain. This is a major event because it marks the point where English was becoming the most dominant language.
  • Population

    In 1650, the world's population estimated at 500 million. It is a significant time because the more people the stronger and better the world. Nationalism will rise in countries and people will be proud of their nation.
  • Grammar School

    Grammar School
    Newton began learning at a young age and attended Grantham Grammar School. He was hated by all the other boys because he was "too cunning". His ability to successfully measure and create kites demonstrated his mathematics skill. To secure he would jump rope better than the other kids, Newton calculated the perfect timing to not be effected by the gust of wind. Unfortunately Newton found Gratham Grammar School uninteresting and was not doing well in his classes.
  • Cambridge University

    Cambridge University
    Newton moved on to college at Trinity College. It took him three days to get there and the first thing he purchased were supplies. He liked to stay up all night studying or reading. However his roommate liked to party, and Newton needed to get away from the noise. While he was out he met another studious man and they became each other's new roommates.
  • Calculus

    Around the 1670's Newton discovered calculus. Calculus is a mathematics system. Newton used fluxions to find the area under an open curve. He was able to move the answer 52 points beyond the decimal and his results amazed him. Unfortunately Newton kept his invention hidden, while his new form of math was hidden another man named Wilhelm Leibniz "invented" calculus.
  • Telescope

    To create the telescope Newton used reflecting mirrors instead of lenses. By placing one mirror at an angle he was able to reflect the light through a side of the eyepiece. Newton studied the planets through his telescope and made yet another brilliant discovery.
  • London Coffee House Meeting

    London Coffee House Meeting
    During a meeting, Robert Hooke was talking with many others about Kepler's theory that planets travel in an eclipse. Christopher Wren offered a prize to anyone who could prove Kepler's theory. When no one was able to, Edmund Halley visited Issac Newton hoping he could. Newton came back with a 9 page paper answering Wren's question that planets travel in an eclipse around the sun. If Halley hadn't visited Newton who knows how long his discovery could have been hidden.
  • National Politics

    National Politics
    Newton became interested in national politics and ran for Parliament. In 1689 he was elected to represent the university. Although he wasn't active in debate, he voted in many important events such as the Bill of Rights, The Toleration Act, and even the vote to proclaim William and Mary as King and Queen of England.
  • Gravity

    Newton used gravity to explain the orbit of the moon. Gravity is a force that attracts anything to the center of the earth. Newton proved that the decrease in attraction is governed by the inverse-square law. Newton again, kept his discovery to himself until the 3rd book of his Principia was published and when Edmund Halley visited him in 1684.
  • Laws of Motion

    Laws of Motion
    Newton used the inverse-square law to double check Kepler's theory and make one of his own. His discovery marks the beginning of modern science. Newtons three laws of motion are...
  • Peter the Great becomes Czar of Russia

    Peter the Great becomes Czar of Russia
    in 1689 Peter the Great becomes Czar of Russia. His reign was important because he made reforms to make Russia more like the other countries. He tried to modernize them. This is important because it shows how everyone wanted to be caught up with everything.
  • Slave Revolts

    Slave Revolts
    In 1712, slave revolts occurred in New York. This is significant because it shows the beginning of fighting to rid slavery. Although it took much longer to be abolished it showed all the slaves took a stand, and got together to protest it.
  • Leibniz dies

    Leibniz dies
    In 1716, Gottfried Leibniz died. His death is significant because he also invented calculus. Three years earlier than Newton released his idea Leibniz had already introduced it. However we know say they discovered it together and both played a huge role in the new form of mathematics.
  • Voltaire

    In 1718, Voltaire is imprisoned in the Bastille and he writes "Oedipe" tragedy. It is significant because theater was becoming large and an important way to express your feelings. His play sent out a message against tyranny, a huge issue at the time.
  • Death

    Issac Newton died March 20, 1684 at the age of 84. Newton never thought he would make such a huge impact on the world today. His inventions are used for surgery, common sense, and learning in school. He made many mathematical and scientific discoveries. Issac Newton was a genius.