
Isaac Newton TMT MWH Project

  • Newton's Parents Married

    Newton's Parents Married
    Newton's father was Isaac Newton Senior and his mother was Hanna Ayscough. Isaac Newton Senior was an uneducated and illiterate man.
  • Newton's Father Dies

    Newton's Father Dies
    This occured 6 months after marriage and about 3 months before Newton was born. Newton's father was known as a wild, extravegant and weak man.
  • Isaac Newton Born

    Isaac Newton Born
    He was born prematurely and his survival was questioned. Born in Woolsthorpe, England.
  • Newton Attends Grantham Grammar School

    Newton Attends Grantham Grammar School
  • Newton Enters Trinity College in Cambridge

    Newton Enters Trinity College in Cambridge
    Newton begins to study mathematics and physics.
  • Newton Recieves Bachelor's Degree

    Newton Recieves Bachelor's Degree
    Moves back home due to the Plague.
  • Moved Back Home due to Plague

    Moved Back Home due to Plague
    An outbreak of the Plague caused Newton to be required to move back home to Woolsthorpe because Cambridge closed.
  • Period: to

    Newton's Time of Discoveries

    During this time, Newton developed the Binomial Theorem, invented Calculus, proposed a gravitational force was going on at the time, and proved white light was made of all other colors combined. This is when Newton completed his work on the laws of motion. This was also when Newton saw an apple falling from a tree, the event he is most known for.
  • Newton Returns to Cambridge

    Newton Returns to Cambridge
    When he returned, he was elected as Fellow of Trinity College.
  • Newton Writes Enumeratio Curvarum

  • Newton Elected as Major Fellow of Trinity College

  • Granted Master's Degree from Cambridge

    Granted Master's Degree from Cambridge
  • Newton Elected Lucasian Professor of Mathematics

  • Newton Travels to London

    Newton Travels to London
    He met John Collins for the first time, who greatly supported Newton's mathematics.
  • Newton Gives First Lectures in Optics

    Newton Gives First Lectures in Optics
  • Newton Sends his Reflecting Telescope to the Royal Society and Writes “De Methodis”

    Newton Sends his Reflecting Telescope to the Royal Society and Writes “De Methodis”
    The Newtonian Telescope, which is still in use today, uses mirrors instead of lenses to focus the light from distant objects.
  • Newton Considered as Possible Candidate for Royal Society

    Seth Ward proposed Newton as a possibility.
  • Newton Elected as Member of Royal Society of London

    Newton Elected as Member of Royal Society of London
    The Royal Society is a group of scientists that help to advise the government.
  • Newton Publishes Letter on Light and Colors

    Newton Publishes Letter on Light and Colors
    Published in “Philosophical Transactions” (the worlds first scientific journal), this is arguably the first official “scientific article.”
  • Newton Attends his First Meeting of the Royal Society

    Newton Attends his First Meeting of the Royal Society
  • Newton’s Mother Buried

    Newton’s Mother Buried
    Newton spends much of the year in his hometown, Woolsthorpe.
  • Newton Begins Observing Comet of 1680-81

    Newton Begins Observing Comet of 1680-81
    During this time, Newton writes “Geometrica Curvilinia.”
  • Newton Observes Halley’s Comet

    Newton Observes Halley’s Comet
  • Newton Writes “Mathesis Universalis” and “De Composito Serierum”

  • The Royal Society Decides to Publish Newton’s “Principia”

    The Royal Society Decides to Publish Newton’s “Principia”
  • Newton Publises Law of Gravity

    Newton Publises Law of Gravity
  • Period: to

    Newton Meets with Other Famous Mathematicians and Scientists

    Some of these scientists and mathematicians include Fatio De Duillier, David Gregory, and John Locke.
  • Period: to

    Newton's Emotional Breakdown

  • Newton Writes “Tabula Refractionum”

    Newton Writes “Tabula Refractionum”
  • Newton Becomes Warden of the Mint in London

    Newton Becomes Warden of the Mint in London
    This is the second highest position in the Royal Mint.
  • Newton Receives and Solves Lion’s Paw Problem by Bernoulli

    The Lion’s Paw Problem was a difficult Calculus problem that Newton solved in one night.
  • Newton is Elected Foreign Associate of Academie des Sciences

  • Newton is Elected as Master of the Mint

    Newton is Elected as Master of the Mint
  • Newton Elected as a Member of the Parliament by Cambridge Senate

    Newton Elected as a Member of the Parliament by Cambridge Senate
  • Newton is Elected President of The Royal Society

    Newton is Elected President of The Royal Society
  • Newton Publishes “Opticks”

    Newton Publishes “Opticks”
  • Newton Knighted by Queen Anne in Cambridge

    Newton Knighted by Queen Anne in Cambridge
    Newton was known as Sir Isaac Newton after this event.
  • Newton Publishes “Arithmetica Universalis”

    Newton Publishes “Arithmetica Universalis”
  • Newton Publishes “Analysis per Quantitatum”

    Newton Publishes “Analysis per Quantitatum”
  • Newton Publishes “Commercium epistolicum”

    Newton Publishes “Commercium epistolicum”
  • Period: to

    Newton Publishes Second and Third Editions to his Previous Works

    These include “Principia,” “Opticks,” and “Commercium epistolicum.”
  • Newton Dies at Age 84

    Newton Dies at Age 84