silviano Carrillo

  • Birth

    born May 4, 1861 in Patzcuaro Michoacan
  • moving

    In May 23, 1868 he moved to Zamora, Michoacan but he still continued his studies
  • seminary

    At the age of ten he entered the seminary in September 19, 1871
  • Ordained priest

    Ordained priest
    In December 26, 1884 he was ordained priest in Jalisco Mexico
  • tabernacle

    In July 18, 1901 Silviano Carrilo noticed that the tabernacle was missing and theres were he came with the idea of women that love aGod take care of it.
  • SJS

    in Novemer 25, 1904 Silviano founded the sisters servants of the blessed sacrament
  • Bishop

    In Febuarary 24, 1921 he waas ordained priest in Sinaloa mexico
  • Last days

    Last days
    In September 10, 1921 he passed away