
Sgt. John Willlyson

  • John and Polly Get Married

    The Hutchinson family took on john like family immediately. People were relieved when Polly said yes to John asking her to marry him, since john once said he would blow his brains out if she didn't.
  • George is Here

    Polly and Jacks child is born and is named George.
  • John is Onda Way

    John gets a ticket on a boat and is on the way to Canada, to reset his life.
  • Ella is Here

    Polly and Jack have created child number two but this time it is a female and is named Ella
  • WW1 is declared and Canada is in it.

    WW1 is happening and john does not get recruited.
  • John becomes a man

    John become apart of the RNWMP and is making some better money. which helps settle better in Canada.
  • John is Making Moves

    John is sent to Blaine Lake by his police force, he then meets Jessie.
  • John Doesn't Feel Very Good.

    John While working in Blaine Lake, has Trouble breathing correctly so he goes to the doctor and realizes that he has TB, so then he rest at Jessie's house and they fall in love in the process.
  • John is a Doing Well Kinda

    John While Managing Polly ask's Jessie if she want to marry him.