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Seven Stories of Mystery and Horror

  • Period: to


  • The storyteller's begining

    The storyteller didn't know where he was, but then he remembered he was in a cell, he started to move around the cell slowly and he suddenly, then his hands went down and he found a hole, the pit
  • The Death Pedulum

    The Death Pedulum
    an old man in the cell's pictures had a long beard, it started to moved slowly, backwar and forwar. Little ny little it was going to approach to the storyteller, he thought that he was going to dead.
    Then a lot of rats, go up from the pit and they started to bite the cloth of the storyteller and the ropes which held the storyteller. And he could leave from the bench
  • Death is not an escape

    Death is not an escape
    The walls of the room became hot, the floor became hot, all room became very hot. So he had to jumped into the pit, the walls started to move toward to him. He heard people shouting, then the walls started to move back and a French soldier held him and all prisiones were free,
  • Period: to

    The Gold Bug

  • Tha arrival on the island

    Tha arrival on the island
    The storyteller arrive on the island where Legrand was stay, and they were talk about animals. Legrand and Jupiter had found an anusual bug in a insect. It had strange patterns on its back.
  • The mystery paper

    Legrand toke a paper, and he drawed a scarab which had form of skull on its back made of gold. It has anusual marks on its back.
    Legrand went closer to the fire and held the paper near to the light of the flames, and they could see some writing in red ink.
  • The mystery treasure

    They arrived to a island in boat, and they started to search the scarab, when they found it on a tree, Jupiter climbed the tree and put a rope together with a skull with the scarabtogethe with the rope and fell it. Then they descovered that thaere is a treasure in the floor. It was a paper, it said a text.
  • Period: to

    The Facts in the case of Mr Valemar

  • The ill Mr Valdemar

    The storyteller went to the Mr Valdemar house, and he saw that Mr Valdemar looked very ill. His felt a lor of pain, so he wanted to be hipnoticed to not feel more pain. He was going to die.
  • Invalid document

    The Mr Valdemar's doctor went to see Mr Valdemar but he thought that Mr Valdemar was not dead so he did not to sign the official document. The next day he went to see Mr Valdemar, and his body was pale, it was not move, and he did not to breath.
  • Mr Valdemar's death has arrrived T-T

    A yellow liquid came out of his ears. More yellow liquid came out of his body. Then there was a terrible smell. And finally the Mr Valdemar's body was going to disappear. All his body became yellow covered by the yellow liquid. Then there was nothing left of Mr Valdemar's skin of body. There was only a pool of yellow liquid and some bones.
  • Period: to

    The Fall of the House of Usher

  • The mystery letter

    The mystery letter
    The storyteller was riding in his hourse, he was giong to a Usher's house. He knew Roderick Usher, the owner of the house, the storyteller recived a letter from him.
    Roderick Usher siad in the leter that, he was very ill.
    So the storyteller went to the house of his friend to see how he was.
  • Welcome to House of Usher

    The House of Usher had a river and a bridge, when the storyteller arrived to the House of Usher saw that in the sofa of the room up stairs there is a man, he was Roderick Usher. The Roderick sister lved with him, but she was ill too.
    She entered to the room, and sshe was very pale and she seems very ill.
  • The dead come alive

    More later, the sister died, and Roderick wanted to put her body n down stairs in the basemet. There there is a coffin where they puted in her body. They left, Roderick was very warried for his sister.
    More time later, they were in the room of Roderick, the storyteller went to lie down.
    Roderick heard something from the basement, the sister of Roderick was coming to the room, she arrived, and ahe worn a dress in blood, she closed her arms in his body. And Roderick sreamed and he died.
  • Period: to

    Down injto the Maelstrom

  • A bad situation

    Near the coast of Nordland there is a group of two island called Lofoten. There is a narrow place where the sea turns and races in a great circle, the Maelstrom.
    The water started to move slowly, it started to race and turn, the water was cold. And the water was black like oil
  • A maelstrom very strange

    The water bacame black as oil, the darkness was in the water bellow them, the sea water was not hot it was as cold as ice. The wind blew the tops of the waves. Many bubbles was made by the air, and the tiny bubbles became a white foam.
  • A desperated and unexpected ending

    The ficherman and his brother were on the whirlpool for two hours, without know it, but then they saw that they were in the whirlpool.
    And at the end their boat fell into the whirlpool. Then the sea was calm and the whirlpool had disappeared.
    Fichermen were sailing their boats toward the storyteller, and they pulled him from the water, they saved him.
  • Period: to

    The Masque of the Red Death

  • A terrible illness

    A terrible illness came to the country. The illness was
    called the Red Death. No one was safe. Soon many
    people were sick. There was no help—no cure. The Red
    Death killed half of the people in this land.
    Prince Prospero, call his courtiers to his castle.
  • Somewhat strange rooms

    There were seven special rooms in the castle. Each
    room Was a different color. And each room had a great
    window in one of its walls.
    -The first room was blue
    -The second room was purple
    -The third room was green.
    -The fourth room was orange.
    -The fifth room was as white as snow.
    -The sixth room was violet.
    -The seventh and last room was black. And there was also a clock in the seventh room. It was a
    large old clock. Its pendulum swung backward and
    forward slowly.
  • Hello guest

    At the midnight, from out side, someone arrived to the castle, this person was a woman who as wearing a dress in blood.
    She had the face of a dead body, the prince wanted to kill the stranger, but no one did any thing. The stranger went to the blue room into the purple room. The price followed the stranger, he stood in the black room, the prince wanted to kill the stranger and him turned toward prince Prospero. Prince Prospero cried out in pain. And he was dead.
  • Period: to

    The Oblong Box

  • A trip to New York

    The storytelle's home is in New York. But several years ago, he
    stayed in Charleston.
    At the end of his visit, he returned to New York by ship.
    In those days, they traveled by sailing ships. Sailing ships
    took about a week to sail from Charleston to New York.
    When the winds and the tides were good, the journey
    took six days. If there was little wind and they had to wait
    for a good tide, the journey took eight days.
  • Hello dear friend

    On the ship which the storyteller was going to New York was someone who he knew, this person was Cornelius, they were students at uiversit.
    Cornelius had married a beautiful and charming young
    woman. The storyteller wanted to meet Mrs Wyatt. He had never seen her. Cornelius was an artist. He painted pictures. Old paintings were worth a lot of money in New York.
  • As present a dead body

    Cornelius bring with him a mystery box, at the begining the storyteller thought that some pictures are in, but...
    For Cornelius that box was very important for his live, because inside the box there was something which no one thought that it was going to be there. A few months later the storyteller talked with the boat's captain about what there was inside the box and the captain said him that there was the Cornelius wife's dead body.