Going to camp
He went into camp.He expected things to be very bland. But instead, he found things better than he expected. There was alot of amusement and laughter that night. -
guard duty
Had his first experience today in guard duty. He found it easier than he expected. He liked that job alot and he hoped he could return to it again. -
Getting sleep
He had to sleep on the ground last night in the open air for the first time. He felt very sick when he went asleep. When he awoke he had a splitting headache. He soon recoverd and felt himself again when he had his breakfast. -
Going Home
He left camp to go home on this day. He enojeyed the change very much. He was very much exticed to get to go home to see his family again. He was hoping to stay long. -
Back to camp
On this day he returned from home and from his loved ones. He also returned to camp. He was very unhappy about leaving he loved his family very much. -
very busy
He had been very busy the past few days. He had been appointed Sergeant and have been busy in drill and in study of the tactics. He wants to put himself at work and make himself stronger. -
Guns and weapons
He received his weapons and his guns on this day. He was very excited to go back to the camp and war. He was formally sworn into the U.S service as a regiment. -
His sister came to visit and he had furlough grant him and he went home with her, He had to be back to the camp at 3 PM the next day. -
They were on a train route and there was a long train ahead of them and he couldnt help but feel a sort of pride to be steaming along,thinking of the great work they were going to do. -
Arlington Heights
He arrived late last night and camped at Arlington Heights about five miles from Washington and near the estate of the Rebel General Lee. -
Fort Coccoran
He got his camp ground changed and now near Fort Coccoran.New troops are arriving every day and are camping with his troops. -
Sergeant Henry was very dissapointed in himself for not keeping his journal more strictly. He said he had to exuse other than laziness. Also that day, he had to do guard duty and he had to watch the camp over night. -
Sergeant Henry W.Tisdale died on May, 31,1922