Rome- Economical
In 107 B.C. the social unrest reached a new level when a talented military leader name Gaius Marius was elected consul.
This is important because it is when Julius Ceasar was aken out of power. -
Rome- Cultural
In 202 B.C. Scipio routed Hannibal's forces on the plain of Zama outside Carthage and took the city. This is importan because it was the end of the second Punic War. -
China- Economical
In 221 B.C. the Shi Huangdi strengthed China. As he was a very harsh leader he imporved China emensly. -
Rome- Environment
In 246 B.C. the punic wars started. This is important because they lasted nearly 80 years. -
Rome- Cultural
In 246 B.C. Violence broke out between Rome and Carthage. This is important because it was the first battle in the Punic War. -
Rome- Political
In 256 B.C. the Romans had defeated the Etruscans and the Greek Cities in the Southern italy. This is important because this is where Rome got alot of its land from. -
China- Economic
In 300 B.C. the Qin Dynasty took power in China. This is important because it would eventually fall to peasant rebellion. -
Rome- Environment
In 300 B.C. the Romans began to elect magistrates called praetors. These praetors acted as consols in times of peace and were given milittary power in times of war. This is important because it was their new way of leadership. -
Egyot- Cultural
In 305 B.C. the Hieroglyphics evolved emensly. As the simple symbols were created in the beginning of Egyption times a lot of new symbols were created at this date. This is important because it is the language the Egyptions used throughout their existance. -
Rome- Political
`In 450 B.C. the Plebians forced the Patricians to write down all of the laws. This is important because now all of the laws were written down and documented. -
Rome- Political
In 450 B.C. The law of the Twelve Tables were written, This is important because it was the first set of Rome's written laws. -
Greece- Social
In 470 B.C. Athens emerged to Delian leaugue. This is important because it led to the growth of 200 city states. -
Greece- Environment
In 500 B.C. the athenian leader Cleisthenes broke power of the nobility and organized people into 10 groups where they lived on their wealth. This is important becuase it shows the different levels of wealth and power. -
Greece- Culture
In 546 B.C. the persian war began with the Greeks and the Persians. This is important because the Persians conquered Greeks land. -
China- Cultural
In 551 B.C. Confusious was born. This event was important because he developed 5 relationships to organize China in times of crisis. -
Dec 5, 600
Greece- Economic
In 600 B.C.Sparta had the most powerful army in Greece. This is important because it shows how hard the people in the army had to work and how much money in taxes the people of Sparta had to pay in order to have enough supplies and equipment. -
Dec 4, 621
Greece- Political
In 621 B.C. the first demoratic nobleman took power. This was important because he developed the legal code. -
Dec 4, 650
Greece- Social
In 650 B.C. Messenians resented Spartans harsh rule. This is improtant because it shows how they branched of into a city- state. -
Dec 5, 725
Greece- Economic
In 725 B.C. Sparta conquered the neighboring region MEssenia and took over the land. Messenians became peasants forced to stay on the land and work. This is important because it allowed Sparta to get more things done in order to grow as a City-State. -
Dec 4, 750
Greece- Political
In 750 B.C. a city-state was the fundamental political unit in ancient greece. As a result new city- states hoined and appeared everywhere. -
Dec 4, 750
Greece- Culture
In 750 B.C. Homer composed epics and narrative poems later named the Iliad. This is important because it influenced alot of peoples lives and how they lived them. -
Dec 4, 771
China- Political
In 771 B.C. the Nomads came from the north and west and attacted Zhou captial and attacted the monarch that was in power at the time. This is important because it threw the government and civilization into khaos. -
Dec 4, 1000
China- Envirnment
In 1000 B.C. the Zhou Dynasty brought the mandate of heaven to power. This was important because it chose the leader of the central government. -
Dec 4, 1027
China- Political
In 1027 B.C. the Shang Dynasty ended leaving behind all of their elaborate buildings and information. This is important because it was the end of the first legitamate civilization in China. -
Dec 4, 1027
China- Political
In 1027 B.C. the Zhou Dynasty came into power. This is important because the Zhou Dyansty replaced the Shang Dynasty. -
Dec 4, 1200
Greece- Evironment
In 1200 B.C. the Mycenaens and Troy fought in the Trojan War that laster 10 years., This is important becuase it shows they were a stong rmy that they could fight a war for 10 years straight. -
Dec 5, 1200
Greece- Economic
In 1200 B.C. sea riders attacked and burned mycenaean cities
as they were beign invaded. This is important because it is the beginning of Greece's decline. -
Dec 4, 1500
Indus Valley- Economic
In 1500 B.C. people called Aryans came and started to farm along the Indus River once again. This is important because it shows the land there is still good frm land and has value. -
Dec 4, 1500
Greece- Social
In 1500 B.C. Mycenaean civilization came into contact with the Minoan through seaborne trade. This is important because it lead to more trade and expansion of new ideas and products. -
China- Envirnment
In 1600 B.C. the chinese created a written language that was not linked to their spoken language. This is important because it was their first written language the Chinese had. -
Greece- Envirorment
In 1600 B.C. the mycenae could withstand any attack made on their capital. This is important because it shows how powerful the Greek army was during that time period. -
Egypt- Environment
In 1630 B.C, the Hyksos started to rule Egypt. This is important because they were named the rulers of foregn lands. -
China- Cultural
In 1644 B.C. the Chinese Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, was brought into power. This is important because they were a dynasty that brought much knowledge to exqusite arts and crafts. -
China- Social
In 1700 B.C. the Shang Dynasty rose to power. This is important becuase they were the first family of Chinese rulers to leave written rulers. -
China- Social
In 1700 B.C. the difference in wealth was the higher class people lived in timber lined houses and the less wealthy people lived in small huts. This is important because it shows the different classes that there was in ancient China -
Mesopotamia- Political
In 1750 B.C. Hammurabi finished his code of laws for the people of Mesopotamia. This is important because it is the start of a new way of living for the citizens. -
Indus Valley- Cultural
In 1750 B.C. the quality of buildings in Indus Valley started to decline, This is important because it marks the beginning of teh entire civilizations decline. -
Mesopotamia- Political
In 1792 the Amorite king Hammurabi became the king. This is important because he created the 282 laws of Hammurabi and he would be a great leader. -
Indus Valley- Political
In 1800 B.C. Harappan created a written language with 400 symbols. Even though the language still cannot be deciphered it is still important because it shows they had a written language at the time. -
Rome- Social
In 44 B.C. after Crassus died, Caesar and Pompey went into a civil war, Caesar won and got full control over the Republic. This is important because it is an important reason why Ceasar became dictator of Rome. -
Rome- Economic
In 50 B.C. Julius Caesar was one of the most powerful men in the Roman Republic. This is important because it shows how successful and how long he was in power for. -
Rome- Social
In 60 B.C. Pompey, Caesar, Crassus, all took over the Roman Republic as the First Triumvirate. This was important because it was the first time three men ruled at a time. -
Mesopotamia- Political
In 2000 B.C. nomatic warriors known as Amorites invaded Mesopotamia and gradually overwhellemed them. This is important because it is the beginning of a new ruler in the Area with a different culture background. -
Indus Valley- Social
In 2000 B.C. the Monsoons dominated India’s climates. They suffered anything from a blowing of dry air to blowing of great moisture and rain. This is important because it slowed down the advancements and growth of the civilization -
Indus Valley- Social
In 2000 B.C. the Indus River brought yearly floods. This caused either too much rain, too little rain, or a perfect balance that was unpredictable. This is important because it played a big part in the growth of the civilization -
China- Environment
In 2000 B.C. China's new cities started to grow. This is important because it shows China grew in population and in knowledge. -
China- Political
In 2000 B.C. the Xia was created. This is important because it was the start of a new era of China. -
Egypt- Economic
In 2005 BC, the Mentuhotep II gained control of entire country. This is important because it allowed agricuture to advance. -
China- Cultural
In 907 B.C. the liturature and arts flourished under the rule of the Tang Dynasty. This is important because it shows the advances in the Chinese civilizations. -
China- Economic
In 581 B.C. the grand canal was built. This was important because it helped expand China and opened up valuable trading oportunites. -
Greece- Political
In 594 B.C. Solon the democratic made democratic reforms stating no one person should own another person. This is important because it outlawed slavery in Greece. -
Greece- Cultural
In 490 B.C. the persian fleet carried 25000 soliders to Athens. This is important because it was how they conquered Athens. -
Rome- Social
In 494 B.C. the Plebians invaded Rome. Being out armed they withdrew and left Rome, This is important because it displayes how powerful Rome's army is. -
Rome- Environment
In 509 B.C. Rome's people over threw out the Etruscans. This is important because that was the last king that they had. -
Rome- Cultural
In 149 B.C. Rome decided to destroy its old enemy for the last time. This is important because it is the start of the 3rd Punic war. -
Rome- Economic
In 218 B.C. the Carthaginian general Hannibal led a well-trained army and a force of war elephants across the Pyrenees and the Alps to invade Italy. This is important because he was defeating Rome armys one by one. -
Egypt- Politcal
In 2040 B.C. the powerful Pharohs started to regain power and restored law and order. This is important because it allowed the kingdom to evolve faster and it marked the begining of the middle kingdom. -
Egypt- Social
In 2040B.C. they started to create more acres of farmland by draining the swamps of lower egypt. This is important because it allowed there to be more jobs and improve the economy. -
Egypt- Political
In 2180 B.C. the power of the Pharoh started to decline. This is important because it shows the Egyption Culture changed over time and marks the end of the Old Kingdom. -
Mesopotamia- Political
In 2350 B.C. a conquer named Sargon defeated the city-states of Sumer. This is important because Sargon adompted most of the Sumerian culture so he further spread it through the conquring of city-states. -
Mesopotamia- Culture
By 2500 B.C. the small city- states began to disperse cultural diffusion began to come into effect. This is important because it is the start of the Sumerian culture changing from what it was like when it stated to a watered down verison that is mixed with different cultures. -
Indus Valley- Social
In 2500 B.C. the Indus civilization rose in part of India and Pakistan. This is important because it is the beginning of the Indus Valley civilization. -
Indus Valley- Political
In 2500 B.C. the Indus Valley started to build a grid city plan. This is important because it shows the advancment in their civilizations as we use the same grid system in our large cities today. -
Indus Valley- Politcal
In 2500 B.C. they started building all of their buildings out of oven baked bricks and even developed a plumming and sewage system. This is improtant because it shows how they had advancements in math and engineering as well as agriculture. -
Indus Valley- Environment
In 2500 B.C. they started laying bricks on the outskirts of the city to keep out the flood waters. This is important because it shows they thought of a solution to the flood waters that had destroyed their city in the past. -
Indus Valley- Environment
In 2500 B.C. there were three big cities and the entire civilization was named after the ruler Harappan. This is important because it shows the growth of the civilizaiton. -
Indus Valley- Economic
In 2500 B.C., what is now called pakistan was indias first civilization. They were the first cities to use walls and leaves to keep out the water. -
Egypt- Cultural
In 2556 B.C. they finished building the largest pyramid they built. Pyramids are importnt because it is where they baried their dead Pharoh's and shows their building ability and knowledge of math and engineering -
Indus Valley- Cultural
In 2600 B.C. trading began along the Indus River. They traded with Mesopotamia for materials they could not get in Indus Valley. This is important because it caused cultural change and was important for economic growth. -
Egypt- Cultural
In 2660 B.C. the Pharaohs became Egypt's kings and were viewed as gods. This is important because it means the government has changed to a Theocracy. -
Egypt- Cultural
2665 B.C. is when the old kingdom started which is when their belifes became more widespread. This is important because it is the start of the widespread culture. -
Egypt- Cultural
In 2782 B.C. Epypt created the modern calenar. It consisted of 365 days a year, 12 months and 30 days a month. This is important because it is a creation of a system we still use today 1000s of years later. -
Mesopotamia- Social
By 3000 B.C. the Sumerian culture deveolpoed a number of cites surrounded with barley that all followed the same culture. This is important because it was the beginning of one of the first societies to take shape in this modern way. -
Mesopotamia- Political
In 3000 B.C. the different city states began to constantly be in war with eachother. This is important because it showes how the city-states have became unique and disagree with eachother instead of having the same views for every topic. -
Mesopotamia- Interactions with Environment
In 3000 B.C. the structures of buildings were all built from mud brick. This is important because it is an important resource they had to builld with back then, -
Mesopotamia- Cultural
In 3000 B.C. the Ziggurat of Ur temple was restored. This is important because it is where the government meetings were held and where people came to praise their god. -
Mesopotamia- Cultural
In 3000 B.C. they used cunitform as a writing language and they wrote it on clay tablets. This is important becuase it is how they recorded events. -
Mesopotamia- Cultural
In 3000 B.C. the Sumerians developed a math system based on the number 60. This is important because it is how they built all of their stuctures and irrigtion systems. -
Mesopotmia- Social
In 3000 B.C. the scoial ranks were Kings, priests then land owners then laborers, farmers and then slaves at the bottom. This is important because it was the social ranks during the mid ages of Mesopotamia. -
Mesopotamia- Economical
In 3000 B.C. the Sumerians traded with people across southwest asia. This is important because it allowed the sumerian people to get materials that were not availible in the area they are living in. -
Egypt- Politcal
in 3000 B.C. the pallette celebrates the unificantion of Upper Epypt and Lower Egypt. This is important because it means the early dynasty period is starting (New Government) -
Egypt- Social
In 3000 BC, the Kings, Queens, priests, and wealthy landowners stand above merchants who are above farmers and peasants. -
Egypt- Political
In 3200 B.C. it was the beginning of the pattern of Egypt's great civilization. This is important because it marks an important part in Egypt history. -
Egypt- Politcal
By 3200 B.C. Egypt was ruled by two sperate leaders. The empire was divided into upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. This is important because it shows the empire grew to an amount where they thought the right thing to do was split it into two seperate kingdoms and have different rulers. -
Egypt- Environment
In 3200 B.C. the Villages of Egypt were under control of Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt. This is important because both the upper and lower parts of egypt were ruled by a single leader. -
Indus Valley-Economic
In 3200 B.C. people started to farm and improve agriculture in the small villages along the Indus River. This is important because there people basically acted as roll models to the bigger cities that will come later. -
Mesopotamia- Cultural
In 3500 B.C. the Sumerians began to inhabit the area. This is important because they were the first community of people to migrate there and build a society. -
Mesopotamia- Cultural
In 4500 B.C. people began to start farming the rich swampy land in between ther rivers. This is important because it is the begining of population growth in the area. -
Indus Valley- Environment
In 7000 B.C. people first started to farm along the Indus River. This is important because it shows they were not the first people to live in the area and use the extreamly fertile land.