Semester Final

  • 1491 BCE

    King Henry VII

    King Henry VII
    Time: 1491-1547
    King Henry VII was known for founding the Tudor dynasty. He seized the lands of rebellious lords and was very violent. He was known for being shrewd and angry because he trusted almost no one.
  • 1483 BCE

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Time: 1483-546
    Martin Luther was very influential as he is known for cracking the Catholic Church and sparking the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation resulted in a whole new religion the branch of Protestantism.
  • 1452 BCE

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    Time: 1452-1519
    Da Vinci was best known for his expressive and recognizable artwork. His most known pieces of artwork were the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. He also had many futuristic ideas that were published.
  • 1451 BCE

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Time: 1451-1506
    Columbus was best known for supposedly discovering the new land. Even though this wasn't true and he was a pretty bad guy he was very influential. He brought new goods from the new and old land which was very helpful.
  • 742 BCE


    Time: 742-814
    Charlemagne was best known for uniting most of Europe under one rule and helping restore the Western Roman Empire. While bringing Europe out of a slump he also spread Christianity.
  • 469 BCE


    Time: 469-399 BCE
    Socrates was an Ancient Greek philosopher from Athens that is known for the Socratic Method. This method is still used in schools today as group thinking and questioning with answers. His influence is still seen today.
  • 384 BCE


    Time: 384-322 BCE
    Aristotle is known for being a philosopher and being a scientist. He invented the field of formal logic and explored scientific relationships.
  • 336 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great
    Time: 336-323 BC
    He is best known for conquering many lands like Egypt, the Middle East, and parts of Asia all in a small amount of time. Because of his conquests he brought about great cultural changes that changed history.
  • 306 BCE

    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
    Time: 306-337 AD
    Constantine is known for making Christianity the main religion of Rome and created Constantinople one of the most powerful cities. He stood out because he was a Christian and made Jesus the patron of his army.
  • 100 BCE

    Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar
    Time: 100-44 BC
    Caesar was known for his military and political success like many other leaders. He had a lot of support from the common people and was very popular. Caesar also had great support from his armies which gave him the muscle and strength to keep power and conquer lands.