Eugene V. Debs
-labor organizer and socialist leader -important because he created the American Railway Union -
Jim Crow Laws
-began in the 1880's -legalized the separation of blacks and whites -important because it is a controversial topic that still have to deal with today -
Chinese Exclusion Act
-prohibited all immigration of Chinese laborers -important because it was the first major immigration restriction -
Sinking of the Lusitania
-British ship that was sunk by German submarines -important because America joints the war because of this event -
Zimmerman Telegram
-Germany was making an alliance with Mexico through a secret telegram -British told America about it -important because America knew something that Germany didn't know that they knew -
Sedition Act
-many forms of speech were restricted -important because they wanted to limit people from speaking out against the government -
18th Amendments
-established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages -important because it led to bootlegging and other illegal actions -
19th Amendment
-proveds both men and women with equal voting rights -important because it was a huge stepping stone for women to get equal rights -
Red Scare
-fear throughout the United States of communism, socialists, and anarchists -important because it put America in this constant state of fear -
Immigration Act of 1924
-limited the number of immigrants allowed to enter the US -important because it was another attempt to major restriction of immigration -
John Scopes- The Monkey Trial
-science teacher accused of teaching evolution in violation of the Tennessee law -important because it shows how Religious beliefs can interfere with education -
20th Amendment
-set dates at which federal government elected offices end -important because then people are not in office for ever -
21st Amendment
-repealed the 18th amendment -important for all the alcohol businesses that were destroyed because of the 18th amendment