Sean's Timeline

By SWFultz
  • Peter begins kindergarten: Industry vs. inferiority

    Peter begins school, where he makes many new friends and does well in his studies, especially art, giving him confidence in the future. In Erikson's 4th stage, industry vs. inferiority, the crisis is whether or not Peter will do well fitting in and doing what is expected(industry) or struggling and having a difficult time feeling confident(inferiority.
  • Peter faces oncoming challenges of the future: Identity vs. confusion

    Peter has begun high school, where his favorite subject are centered around art. His parents insist he must focus his time on deciding which colleges he will apply to and what he will choose as his career. His friends encourage him to pursue art. In Erikson's 5th stage of identity vs. confusion, the crisis is selecting the life one plans to live(identity) or lacking the ability to explore other roles, one might find difficulty feeling confident in the role they currently have.
  • Peter begins working on his masterpiece: Generativity vs. stagnation

    Peter has become quite a successful artist within his community and his works are beginning to gain national attention, but he feels that in order to reach the level of recognition he desires, he must complete his masterpiece. in this stage, the crisis, commonly referred to as the "midlife crisis" is people starting to look back on their life's accomplishments and failures and feel accomplished(Generativity) or regret(stagnation)